Thank you to all who have encouraged moving forward with the Digital Club, a dropout prevention initiative in Cleveland, Ohio.

I have written curriculum for about 2 years for media classes and I'm always looking for the new tools and curriculum guides. Any suggestions are great very appreciated.

Some of my favorites in the classroom include: fluxtime, SketchUp, Game Maker (although it's difficult for most children initially), Scratch, Alice, MS Paint, Animoto. These are tools which I'm most comfortable introducing to students and parents.

Always looking for good curriculum guides. Thank you!

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You may want to look at a curriculum guide by Marion and Howard Brady that take a novel look at how to organize a system of learning called "Investigating Systems". I'm not sure how it will work with digital tools, but I think the structure would lend itself to new and modern applications. You can find "Investigatin Systems" at

Good luck!
Hello Stephanie -

I am a business teaching in a small rural school in MN. We have about 400 students in the entire k12 so we are small. So we are working hard to keep our class offerings up to date to keep students in our school. So this past spring I proposed a digital media class off a whim well it is a hit and was very excited until the school district said they still want the class offered but there is no money for purchasing new books or technologies. Since then I have been scrambling just to find a curriculum - I was planning on using Adobe's free online curriculum (and still may do so but will have to go with stations as I may be able to get 2/3 copies of the software to load) - anyways I was wondering if you could share any of your curriculum ideas and what software you use. Thank you for your time. Michelle



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