Content from websites like Youtube, Veoh, Metacafe can be embedded easily on the website... Any questions: read the FAQ or use contact form.
Please take a look at the website (which was created yesterday) and let me know what you think. Please use the contact form to send me your suggestions (categories, tools, look and feel, anything).
The idea is to have an online community that, much like Digg, will let users post videos and vote for them. All videos must related to education. We all know how hard it is to find useful videos on websites like Youtube (even though there are tons of them) because these websites are "contaminated" with not-so-relevant videos.
Whenever a video guets 5 votes, it leaves the "Upcomping" or "Unpublished" area and goes to the front page of the website.
Tags are very helpful for later retrieval of specific videos.
This is the first time I talk about this website since yesterday, so there is not much content there yet.
:) thank you guys.