Welcome to our NEW Voicethread for Educators Group!  Please take a minute to say hi, what you teach, ideas for this group, maybe a VT or two, and of course, your Twitter/Plurk other Social Networking site handle that you may use.
Good luck and once again welcome.


Tags: Voicethread, educator, group

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I'm Roger Bower and I am a academic technology facilitator at The Principia School, an independent school in Saint Louis. I was very skeptical about VT when I first investigated it about a year ago, but I'm beginning to see it's possibilities. Our middle school students went to Washington, D.C. last spring. They filtered their experiences through a single idea, like courage, or independence. When they returned they had to create a VT to share their learning. Some were very powerful.
Hello, my name is Sharo Dickerson and I am the Virtual School Developer in Ysleta Independent School District that is located at El Paso, Texas. I have taught Elementary Education for 8 years, 5 years in the Philippines and 3 years in El Paso, Texas. I changed positions on 2006 and became one of the Instructional Technology Trainers in the Instructional Technology Department of my district. When my district obtained the Cycle 2 Vision2020 Grant from the Texas Education Agency (TEA), my new position was developed and established to support and lead the development of virtual learning for high school students, (which we have named as Ysleta Virtual School). My passion in being an educator has been going on for the past 13 years. This passion also lies greatly with the desire to advocate innovative ideas and seamless technology integration in education. I use Twitter as often as I could, and I have found the use of website as an instructional tool to be very useful and informative. I also enjoy the use of different Web 2.0 tools such as Delicious, Aviary, Mindmeister, Tagxedo, Jeopardy labs, Google applications, etc. to encourage independent learning and creative thinking. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and gaining new ideas from each one of you.
Great to have yet another network of VT gurus who are willing to teach and share.

I am the K-8 librarian at Flagstaff Academy in Colorado. I managed the schools first VT project last year, please visit and leave comments at http://voicethread.com/share/1067749/.

At ISTE I attended two VT sessions and was really inspired by the all the different applications for VT. My favorite was the idea of asynchronous debate between groups.

I want to find more ways to leverage this technology into our curriculum and further empower student voice in the teaching and learning process.

Twitter: zmidler
Hi, Miguel Guhlin (Around the Corner-MGuhlin.org blog) here from San Antonio, Texas, USA. I'm thrilled to be a part of Voicethread group here at Classroom 2.0 and look forward to great conversations! You can find out more about my work online at http://mguhlin.org , http://mguhlin.net , and my paltry contribution to everyone is a VoiceThread print tutorial (hey, I needed one, why not share it?) you can find online at the Voicethread4Education wiki that Colette started.

With appreciation,
Miguel Guhlin
Hello Miguel! Nice to see you here in Classroom 2.0. :)
Hi everyone. Happy to see VoiceThread for Educators join Classroom 2.0! Thanks, Mark, for keeping this discussion alive! My discipline is art history and I teach at the community college level.

I created VoiceThread for Educators which is featured on the VT Browse page -- maybe you've seen it?

I also just learned that my "VoiceThread for Online Learning: Practical design strategies and student perspectives" has received a 2010 Sloan-C Effective Practice Award. I'll be presenting with Steve Muth, co-founder of VoiceThread, at the ET4Online Conference in San Jose, CA next week.

Twitter: brocansky
blog: mpbreflections.blogspot.com

Cheers to VoiceThread!
Michelle: Your VoiceThread for Educators which is featured on the VT Browse page is one of the first I browsed and got me so excited about using it for art ed!
Michelle, thanks for all that you do. I hadn't been following you on Twitter for some reason (thought I was...well, I am now). Thanks again for all that you share.
Michelle - congrats on your award - you deserve it! I love your VoiceThread about how you incorporate VoiceThread in your online classes. I'm teaching a new HS Multimedia/Web Design class this next year and will be using Moodle and your VoiceThread gave me some great ideas to extend learning outside the classroom. Thanks!
Hi Danny - nice to meet you at ISTE. Glad we can reconnect here!
Hello, everyone!
Thanks, Mark, for getting this set up.

I teach middle school science and technology in Los Angeles. I have 6th, 7th, and 8th graders once a week in a tech class. I was introduced to VoiceThread while participating in the Eracism project (Flat Classrooms). Bernajean Porter and Kim Caise set up our debate using this tool. I had such a terrific experience with it that I used it in my tech classes for a 7th grade project on a Pennies for Peace theme. I am looking forward to using it again and getting tips from all of you.

Marcia Bengry Alessi
Hello from North Dakota!
My name is Carla Haaven and I work for the Grand Forks Public School District in Grand Forks, North Dakota. We are located on the eastern side of the state.....and yes, it is cold in the winter :) but beautiful in the summer.
I am a MS Curriculum Technology Partner at two middle schools in the district. I worked with a english teacher a year ago who used VoiceThread with her 8th grade students. We uploaded a video of a Holocaust survivor who spoke in our city. She asked higher-level questions from parts of his speech.
My Twitter name is chaaven



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