Welcome to our NEW Voicethread for Educators Group!  Please take a minute to say hi, what you teach, ideas for this group, maybe a VT or two, and of course, your Twitter/Plurk other Social Networking site handle that you may use.
Good luck and once again welcome.


Tags: Voicethread, educator, group

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Hi, I'm Paige and I just created my first VoiceThread to share with my online classes. I used it as a digital story tool as I was exploring the possibilities. My graduate students have already taken it in all kinds of exciting directions! I look forward to creating art ed lessons where students can respond to and understand visual arts!
Hi all,

My name is Nick Romero. I teach 6th and 7th grade math at The Haverford School outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I've used VT for the last couple years. Students create mathcasts (using the writing tool to solve problems and explaining what they are doing while solving the problems). Its been a great tool to hear what they are thinking while solving a problem.

Our 6th grade is going one to one this coming year so I am excited to incorporate VT and other tools more frequently. If any of you out there are 1 to 1 math teachers, I'd love to pick your brain and learn from you!

Thanks for creating this space for us Mark!
My name is Marsha Ratzel; I teach 6th grade math, science and now social studies. I've used VT before and I want to get better at facilitating conversations between my students.
Hi I am Janice Conger and I am an elementary librarian in Collegeville, PA. I use Twitter through Plurk. I am on Plurk everyday. My name on both is congerjan. I am a Voicethread novice. I have created my own threads but I have not used it with students yet. I am hoping to change that this year.
Hi, my name is Colette Cassinelli and I am a HS teacher-librarian, Multimedia teacher at a private Catholic high school near Portland, Oregon. I have used VoiceThread for several years now and started the wiki at http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com. I hope everyone will contribute their best VoiceThread projects there. Please feel free to edit ANY of the pages and take down retired projects that are no longer available. I have given several VoiceThread workshops at conferences (NCCE, ISTE) and love meeting other VoiceThread enthusiasts. I blog occasionally at http://www.edtechvision.org and please follow me on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ccassinelli. I met with Steve Muth and Ben Papell, the owners of VoiceThread, at ISTE 2010 and they have some great projects coming soon - a teacher/project database similar to the classroom partners page!!! w00t w00t! Looking forward to learning from you.
Hi! I am Lori Myers Princiotto. I teach in a K-5 tech lab in Short Hills, NJ. I've been using VT for about 2 years with my students and teachers. Maybe we can collaborate this year? :)
I'm on twitter as well. http://www.twitter.com/msmyers
Hi! I moved over from the former Voicethread Ning. I currently teach middle school English, although this coming year I will be trying out something new--a career ed/expressive arts class for middle schoolers. You can also find me bookmarking on Delicious. I've used VT for the past couple of years and love it so much I've introduced it to many other teachers!
Hello from Central Maine! I teach Business and Technology classes to 9 - 12 students at Penquis Valley High School. Last spring, my Multimedia students worked collaboratively with a 2/3 classroom at one of our elementary schools in developing a VoiceThread on landmarks in Maine. It was so much fun, especially when we met using our Tandberg system. I'm hoping to incorporate VT into other classes as well.

Thanks Mark, for setting up this group in Classroom 2.0!
Hi! I'm Dodie from upstate NY- I am a teacher mentor and technology integrator, supporting both new teachers and veteran.
Online I can be found at: Technology Chatter: http://vestaltech.edublogs.org/ My wiki: http://djainslietech.wikispaces.com/
twitter: http://twitter.com/djainslie
Diigo: http://www.diigo.com/profile/djainslie
Hi! I'm Barb and I teach middle school computer applications in Northeast Ohio. I have used VT in my classroom and the students really liked it. We took a traditional word processing assignment and made it more fun and engaging by using VT. In Word, we wrote scripts and learned about editing and formatting, then we did advanced searches in Flickr and created our digital stories in VT. Every year our 6th graders spend a week on a Camp field trip. The 8th graders wrote about their camp experiences and gave advice to the 6th graders on how to make the most of their experience. We then shared our VT projects with the 6th graders.
HI all my name is Bev Humphrey and I'm a former school librarian who is now working as an Literacy, School Libraries & web 2.0 Consultant. I run writing workshops for students using web 2.0 technologies (including Voicethread, Storybird etc) and also deliver training sessions for school staff. I think Voicethread is a very valuable tool for speaking and listening practice and love its ease of use.
My name is Joao Alves. I'm an EFL and German teacher in Portugal and I'm glad that the Voicethread Ning group decided to join this huge community, Classroom 2.0. I have been using VT with my students for a couple of years and I find it an amzaging tool. I use Twitter every day and anyone can find me at: http://twitter.com/joaoa. I also use Diigo and Delicious for social bookmarking. You can have a look at my Diigo here: http://www.diigo.com/user/joaoalves



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