What tools or software product would work best to develop eportfolios for students K-12?

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Hi, Jane,

My work is based in the UK and Europe, but I provide a version of eFolio from Minnesota. I am able to scaffold an initial system to the lead teacher's ideas which children throughout the whole K12 age-range can use and even with the support of parents, pre-school. See my blog at www.efoliointheuk.blogspot.com .

Best Wishes,
Ray T
This is just exactly what I was hoping to find. Thank you so much for responding. We are just beginning our work on K-12 e-portfolios with a task force this year. Our hope is to have a plan and process ready by the beginning of next year. I appreciated some of the content of one of the slideshows that indicate a "ready, fire, aim" philosophy. It should be a work in progress allowing all of us to be life long learners. Thank you again. I am going to go back now and study your blog in more depth and will be following you on twitter.



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