I've been reading a forum about teachers and others in education using twitter and have started following many of them. However, I'm looking for administrators that I could follow. The idea of bouncing ideas off of others is a strong notion. Thanks for all of you willing to follow me on twitter:

Tags: administration, networking, principal, twitter

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Adam, I now have a twitter account that I have connected to my blog (a blog) through tumblr. All my blog updates automatically go to twitter making things a little more efficient. My twitter is PrincipalBerry. Seems to work for now. I just listened to a podcast on Spark that talked about personal branding and how schools and companies need to be conscious of how they are presenting themselves via these accounts (basically, how it becomes habit to slip some personal info into a twitter post). Fun stuff
I am a principal and I am currently trying to "tweet" school information. What type of information is everyone tweeting
Thx. for starting the group. I have a blog where administrators can meet and discuss issues. Please join/subscribe and comment.

My Twitter ID: bircherd

Blog: http://birchbark.wordpress.com
I am Superintendent of a Catholic Diocesan School system. I use Twitter regularly and I advise all teachers and administrators to use Twitter as their main professional development tool. I have found more helpful links and advice and met more valuable people on Twitter than through my blog or conferences or even Classroom 2.0.
Check out Lisa Nielsen's blog post on school administrators that blog: http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2010/06/want-to-help-prin... - it might be helpful in terms of finding fellow administrators. Also, try peeking in other administrator's Twitter followers (you can see mine here). Good luck!
Just started following you there!

A great article I had previously posted on our blog: 100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media in the Classroom:




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