What are the top advantages of using any ggogle tool in the classroom?

Recently I have been invited to give a speech about my experience using different google apps in my teaching practice. I already have an idea of their advantages, but I would like to know what others think about them. I don't mind if you also post any negative aspects about them.

Tags: advantages, apps, disadvantages, feedback, google

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Thank you Derrick,

That's a good point!!
Our students can save their work and finish it at home (or anywhere) as opposed to having to save work on the school's network and only being able to access it from a network computer.

Students can edit work after I have made comments.

I very easily created a web page for students to share work with the world.
Good tip, Robin,

Have you had any problems with students being reluctant? Mine are adults and they seem to find all sort of excuses not to work this way. Paper is still the preferred option.
I agree with Derrick, integrated collaboration is the common theme behind all of Google's products. Google has done for internet applications what Apple did for multimedia with the iLife suite. Everything simply works together. Docs can be shared via email, embedded in waves, posted on blogs, etc. One password gives you access to so many awesome tools.

Good luck with your presentation. I hope it goes well.
Thank you John,
Still a few months to go but want to be ready in advance. What kind of collaborative work have you done? I haven't tried that bit with students yet, maybe I'm scared of loosing the control of the process.
As a teacher, one thing I like is that I can correct it from anywhere too. This is especially nice when traveling, you don't have to tae a bunch of stuff with you.
Thank you Fred,

That's another good tip I haven't thought of. What other things do you do with google tools?
Thank you Derrick!!!

Fabulous presentation and impressive job you are doing at your school. I really envy you, guys!!! The idea about starting with the concept of the cloud hadn't crossed my mind.

I was thinking of starting by talking about web2.0 which is a bit simplistic. So I'm going to include both terms and give a wider vision of internet phenomena.

Another excellent point I'm going to borrow is the use of technology to replace the use of paper which seems to be still a bit of a taboo in most schools. Personally, I use google tools such as calendar, sites, blogger and docs with my students (http://sites.google.com/site/carlosmartinpage/) . But there's still a long battle to fight to make my colleagues understand the benefits of all these tools.
If you don't mind, I'll include your presentation as a reference of what to do with google docs and how to use it. (Here is the link:http://livebinders.com/play/present?id=18815 If you can't open it let me know)

Once again thank very much for your help!!
Fab!!! I'll take your word.

Didn't know about bookmarks and is quite useful to share with students and colleagues who are still reluctant to use other means such us delicious or digg. I'll have a go at it and see what more advantages I can get.

C you!
I like the communication with Administration, less emails, memos, dropping in to ask for info... We have a Behavior Tracking Sheet and Absences for the Day(Google Docs), Checkout Sheet for Media Equipment (Google Calendar), Curriculum Documents and Lesson Plans (Google Sites). It just makes people more accountable for doing their part. :)
Thank you Alline!!

I see that lots of you have seen these tools as a good way to go green. I like it.
Hi everyone!!! Talk was a great success and I want to thank you all for your comments and help. I'll leave the forum open so anybody can ask for assistance or add any helpful suggestions. Also, I would like you to visit the presentation I made to help me with my seminar just in case you find it of any use.



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