Our district is trying to decide if classrooms should be equiped with a projector and an interactive whiteboard or just a projector and wireless slate. Could you please tell me the pro and cons of each? What can you do with the interactive whiteboards that you would not be able to do with the wireless slates? An thoughts, articles, research would be helpful.

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Depends on the subject, I think. Our math teachers have slates and love them. I teach science and don't have the need for a slate, but I use my mimio (like a smartboard) and document camera every day.
I have both a Smartboard (mounted) and a wireless slate (Airliner). I found the Airliner extremely challenging to use myself despite persistent effort at it. The Smartboard is very easy to use, also it allows students to get up and out of their seats to use it.
Does anyone use a graphics tablet that is a different brand from their iwb? For example, if you have a Promethean board, do you use a tablet such as a Wacom, instead of Promethean's Active Slate? The Promethean product is pretty expensive, and I am looking to save some money. Does the graphics tablet work independently of the iwb? Does it matter what brand of tablet you use with a board?
I would recommend using an interactive whiteboard. From what I have seen it is a better way to engage students and offers more creativity for your lesson plans. Check out this article on interactive whiteboards. It shows an example of a lesson you can do using interactive whiteboard technology. http://bit.ly/byR8ld
Thanks for your suggestion. However, I already have used a Promethean board for the last year. I'm looking now to buy a graphics tablet to complement the iwb. I'm just hoping someone can tell me if they have had good results with a different brand of tablet than their board.
Dear Jeff,

Any tablet will work, they are primarily pen/mouse input devices. What makes one different from another is the software, battery life, wireless format, warranty, support, and general physical structure of the tablets.
I personally like the ePad by RM Education. Their new Easiteach software package is intuitive and feature rich. Ed pricing at around $299.00
This is not a sales pitch....just my "vendor" based opinion.



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