Our fourth graders are looking for Skype buddies of a similar age to chat with throughout the Spring. We are an Episcopal school in Tampa, Florida and would love to share ideas and learn about new friends in other parts of the U.S, Canada, or Mexico. (Similar time zones that would make communicating during school possible.) We have three fourth grade classes and I would like to set each class up with their own partnering class. Please let me know if you are interested.

Tags: Elementary, Skype

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Hi, I might be too late but I am very much interested in connecting my class to anywhere global. We have done New Zealand and Canada so far. I am teaching in Malaysia. My kids are Year 5 kids , basically 10 years old and are good in English so communication is no problem :-)
I am definately interested in collaborative efforts. Please let me know if you are still seeking Skype partners as we are a charter school in Wilson, NC. We currently have 4 3rd grade classes and I know that at least three of them would be open to the idea if not all four (one is a new 4th grade teacher so I am unsure of his desires at this time) Thanks in advance
Hi Kimberly! I'm just checking back in and getting excited about the upcoming school year, we start next week. I am very interested in Skyping with your groups in the future and would like to stay in contact. Skype is something that I introduce during the second half of the year so maybe we can stay in touch until then. Skype is a project that I usually do wih fourth graders. Do you think any of your fourth grade classes would be interested?
- Charlsey
Definately feel free to contact me here of kfarmer@sallieb.net

I'm looking for some Skype partners myself (also Oovoo? what else is out there?) for grades 9-12

Does anyone know some Skype games to play, to teach students how to use and practice with videoconferencing software? (I'm imagining some variations of old children's games like "Telephone" etc. adapted for videoconferencing!)

(I'm also a member of iEARN and will be looking for international partners in Africa and the Middle East as well as domestic videoconferencing partners.)

Hi Charlsey! Are you interested to Skype with a group pf students from the American School in Mexico City? I can get you in touch with a few teachers (all grade levels) that might be interested.
Please let me know.
Hi Patty! Absolutely as long as we can coordinate times that would be great. I'm lookig for three fourth grade classes (if possible) for a spring time project. If this works for you, I'd like to keep in touch until then.

We are definately interested if you would like to contact our fourth grade teachers directly their email addresses are kopie@sallieb.net, jtos@sallieb.net. lnagy@sallieb.net and hmccullough@sallieb.net. I informed the tearchers about what I was trying to do and all of them seemed to be extremely interested in the idea. If you don't get a response directly from them please feel free to continue to use me as a contact point.
If you are still interested I would like to set up a connection too. Sorry I've been off of this for some time in the summer.
Hi everyone -

I'm still looking for some Skype games to play, to teach students how to use and practice with videoconferencing software... any thoughts?

I hope to buy headsets for each student and have each make a Skype/Oovo/iChat/etc. account to use at their computer. What kind of games could we play to practice with the various networks?

I'm imagining some variations of old children's games like "Telephone" etc. adapted for videoconferencing... perhaps split the class into teams and have them deliver a list of words (or hand signals) from player A to player Z ... or something......(?)

I'm also worried about bandwidth - will a classroom full of Skypers bring our school network down to a crawl?
Has anyone tried anything like this?

Thanks for any thoughts!
I don't know if it is absolutely necessary to "teach" videoconferencing. Of course, there are rules, but I feel like the best way is for them to jump right into in and try it! Even if they are only sharing a project or reading a story it could be a good way to get started.

I don't think I would have one computer to one student- I think small groups of students (maybe 3-4) can work on one computer and chat with another small group.

If you would like to connect classrooms I will see which teachers are interested. What grade do you have?
Hi Chris,
I have been having the kids Skype in groups of three or four at one computer at a time. An eye spy game using items from the background might work.



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