Looking for Middle School Classes to Participate in Wiki Discussions.

Hello, By introduction my name is Sherry Hegstrom and I teach Computer Technology at Timberlane Regional Middle School in Plaistow, NH.  I love to teach and have been addicted to web 2.0/3.0 since introduced to it three years ago.  I'd like my students to catch the same bug.  I'm looking for classes that would like to participate in our discussions on "The World is Flat", web 2.0 and the internet.


Our class wiki can be found at:  http://trms.wikispaces.com.  My classes run in quarters. We start 9/1 and run 9 weeks.  Let me know and I would love to add you and your class to our wiki.


I can also be found at the following blogs:






By email at:




via Skype or twitter at the user account:




I look forward to hearing from fellow technology teachers :)

Tags: 2.0, blog, discussion, flat, internet, student, technology, trms.wikispaces.com, web, wiki

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Replies to This Discussion

I have a grade 8 computer class that i believe would be interested in this activity. How can I get in touch with you.

Doug Walker
Jefferson Township School District
Jefferson Township, NJ
My email is sherry.hegstrom@timberlane.net, I would also cc my gmail account in case it hits my spam filter. sherryhegstrom@gmail.com. My skype username is 'shegstrom' as is my twitter. I look forward to hearing from you!



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