Help with formative assessment as a planning tool, please

I'm looking for articles related to the use of formative assessment; particularly the use of formative assessment by teachers in order to plan for greater learning of students.   I want to improve the way I assess within my classroom, and how I use the results, with the hope of increasing the value of my instruction.  I want my lessons to be building on knowledge and filling in the gaps in understanding, not just adding information that leads to students who  "just don't get it."   Any recommendations for articles, links to them, etc. will be appreciated. Thank you!

Tags: articles, assessment, formative, learning

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Hi Clare,

Some of these links might help.

Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom:

What Is Authentic Assessment?

Classroom Assessment Techniques Examples:
Thanks for the links. I had found the nmsa one, but the other 2 were new. Have a great day.
The references at the end of the nmsa article are excellent.
Because you said " I want to improve the way I assess within my classroom, and how I use the results, with the hope of increasing the value of my instruction. I want my lessons to be building on knowledge and filling in the gaps in understanding...", I recommend that you focus your search for information on how to provide high quality, individualized feedback.

Here are my recommendations of the two best articles for this purpose:
Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education, 5 (1), 7-74.

Nicol, D. J., & Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006). Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: A model and seven principles of good feedback practice. Studies in Higher Education, 31 (2), 199-218.

You are also likely to find the following references useful:
Brookhart, S. M. (1999). The art and science of classroom assessment: The missing part of pedagogy. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, 27(1).

Popham, W. J. (1994). The instructional consequences of criterion-referenced clarity. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 13, 15-20, 39.

Stiggins, R. J. (1997). Student-centered classroom assessment. New York: Merrill.

High quality feedback helps students learn more….and more efficiently. I commend you for being highly motivated to do this, and encourage you to convert desire and theory into practice!
Thank you, I'm going to be reading at least some of these next week, and I hope to put small chucks, to start with, into practice soon.
Good luck - will look forward to hearing of your successes!

Are you familiar with the term "guided practice"?
I am, and I do try to incorporate it into my lessons, I just find that I struggle with pacing as I help some students individually and it's fast, whereas I spend quite a bit of time with one or two, some days, and never really get to check on the rest of the group. I'm hoping that using this formative assessment for feedback I'll be more effective.
I found the book Checking for Understanding very helpful. Can't remember the authors but you can get it on the ASCD website and they have an online study guide you can print out. Gave me lots of practical ideas to share with my teachers for oral as well as written work.
Thank you for the idea.....I believe I have that book, I need to find it and reread it!
Checking for Understanding is authored by Fisher and Frey



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