Does anyone have experience using Wordpress for
classroom blogs?  I'd like to set one up this year to record and share
the classroom experience.  I am specifically concerned with finding an alternative to Blogger because even though the format now allows additional pages it has a limit of 10 and I'd like to set up a page for each of my students.

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I have a wordpress mu server running my my district. Our teachers use wordpress blogs as websites. What questions do you have?
Thank you! Do any of your teachers create individual blogs for each student? I'm thinking of using it as a record/portfolio to share with the parents.
We currently run a wordpress mu server and use it for teacher websites in our high school. Our instructional supervisors, and principals also maintain blogs. Links to all of their blogs can be found here: This is a fairly new initiative. You we see some really great blogs and some that are still in development. The department supervisors have really embraced the format. Take a look at our Special Education supervisor and Social Studies Supervisor blogs in particular.

We have not used them for student participation yet. We run a Moodle server and use that for that purpose. I think the wordpress blog format would be great for student portfolios. I have considered it as well. I am also thinking about using Google Sites for portfolios. We have recently been accepted in Google Apps for Education. The sites feature is nice because it integrates well with Google Docs and it is a bit more user friendly when it comes to organizing your portfolio.

I do have teachers that create blogs for students. This is done primarily in Moodle. I also have teachers who have created NING sites for their classes. Students maintain individual blogs in Ning. They use the discussion forums for class discussions. It has worked very well.

We are starting to use wordpress blogs for school news and events postings. We are releasing a new district website shortly that will have embedded RSS feeds for these particular blogs on the school and district home pages. This is a really nice feature for parents because it allows them to subscribe to these updates via RSS. It also makes it very easy for office staff to add content to the site.
Thank you! This is very helpful information. I am looking into the "super admin" features that John mentions (see below). I am working in a Lower School environment and need easy setup and administration for this to work for my own use and hopefully for other teachers as well. It could be that Google Apps is a better way to go since ease of use for young students is important. I'll report back once I choose a platform.
If you have a hosted installation of Wordpress (not the free version you can sign up for at you can set yourself up as a "super admin" who has administrative rights over multiple blogs. Your students will be the administrators of their individual blog. There is a teacher at my school who is using this setup.
Dear Karen,
I am a science teacher coming from HK!
I have been using wordpress, facebook, etc for doing some extended online teaching and learning!
Here is my blog:
Click on those resources will direct u to my teaching facebook for seeing some online discussion by my students and teachers and even parents!

Some are Chinese words, hope u dun mind!

Ricky Tsui from HK
Thank you! I'll take some time to look at the site!
I am also looking for ways teachers encourage replies, comments, participation from the wider community!
There is no real secret to building an audience for a blog. There are two rules:

1. Write content that people want to read.
2. Engage people individually and personally.

I have found that the best way to gain exposure for my blog is by reading and commenting on other blogs. In my comment. Everyone likes comments. If you leave one for them, they are more likely to leave one for you. Good luck!
a lovely teacher at our school made these how-to videos that you might find helpful...
Wow, impressive! I'll add it to the blogs I follow and look forward to updates. Please thank Mrs. Gonzales for sharing her work!
I was asking the same sort of question, looking for a good blogging platform. I did not even realize Wordpress MU existed, and that it had been rolled into Wordpress 3.



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