Are you starting the school year with a new Google-inspired teaching strategy this year?. I write a blog on how teachers can be using Google products in the classroom, I would love to hear about what you are doing new for this year, and if you like, why. I may mention some of these (in general) in a future post, to share ideas with others.
I am going to use google docs, but the best google tool I am going to use is my Google Android mobile phone. I have already used it in class once--I downloaded an app (albeit not from Google, but...) called "Decibel" which measures sound levels...I put the app on and stuck my phone on my visualizer. Instead of saying "hey folks, keep it down, it is too loud..." I said "Hey folks, keep it down, it is 110 decibels in here!" and pointed to the meter on my projector screen. The kids had a great time testing it and learned something too.