I was in a meeting and bored to tears. However, in almost every meeting, someone says something interesting, In this case, the speaker said “If we truly believe in collaboration, then why are all our rooms still arranged in rows?”

What a great question!

It got me thinking about “If” questions, or questions that should be asked that are truly important. Do, here are some “If” questions. I am sure there are a ton more, but here are a few to get the conversation going.

1. If we truly believe in collaboration, then why are our rooms still arranged in rows?
2. If we always see that technology excites kids when they use it, then why aren;t we using it all of the time?
3. If we say that technology is an educational tool, then why do we save technology only for Tuesday’s when we take kids to the lab down the hall?
4. If we say that 21st century skills are the wave of the future and what every kids should be learning, then why isn’t every professional development session in the world geared toward these skills?
5. If we truly believe that technology is the way kids should be learning, then why isn’t 30% of all technology budgets dedicated to professional development?
6 If we see trends such as video and audio becoming more and more important in the world of communication, why aren’t we training our students in video and audio?
7. If we say that technology should be integrated in all aspects of students learning, then why aren’t we teaching technology connections in art, and PE, in the performing arts?
8. If the organizations that advocate educational technology are truly pro-teacher, why not make the conferences free to attend?
9. If we truly believe in project and problem based learning, then why are we still lecturing?
10. If we want everyone to be using Web 2.0 skills and sites, then why are we leaving so many teachers behind that can’t even use Web 1.0?
11. If we want kids to learn technology, then why are we ignoring such technologies as imbedded systems?

So there are a few “if” questions.

Got any to add to list?

Tags: If, Questions, technology

Views: 129

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I have posted your IF question replies on my Byte Speed site to stimulate the conversation over there as well. Perhaps there will be some cross pollination...

I linked your responses to your Classroom 2.0 sites.

I'm laughing--I always wonder why there are so many teachers who don't seem to like kids.
Nice soapbox!

Can I climb onto it too?




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