I teach 6th and 7th graders in San Diego, CA.  I'm looking to collaborate with other technology teachers around the world.  My class would like to skype with other classrooms and work on some group projects together, using web 2.0 technology for collaboration.

If you are interested or know of a teacher that might be, please let me know.   I look forward to an amazing year.

Take care,

Link to my classroom:

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Great classroom! I have also been looking for 6th and 7th grade students to skype, wiki, or blog with. I have some topics focused around web 2.0 and we are about to begin internet safety and cyberbullying. I'm considering having groups create a wiki on aspect of internet safety with the goal being the wiki must educate other students for distant learning.

We are located in Plaistow, NH.
My skype account: shegstrom
email: sherry.hegstrom@timberlane.net
You can also message me here at classroom2.0
our wiki: trms.wikispaces.com

Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi There -
I am an elementary tech teacher but we are always looking for collaborative partners! In fact, we will be doing some VoiceThread projects on biomes / ecology / land use with our 2nd graders this next week and we are looking for some students or teachers from other schools who could leave comments on our VoiceThread projects. Would you have any time to get your students set up to leave us some comments? I can send you more details later if you're interested.
In the future, we would like to do other collaborative projects, so save my info (and our upper school tech teachers would probably be interested as well).
Monica McQueen
International School of Amsterdam
I am an elementary tech teacher also and would love to collaborate with your classes. My district just purchased voicethread for the entire district and I can't wait to start utilizing this incredible tool!
First, I love your lab - what a great room! I teach K-8 computer classes and would love to collaborate on something with my 6th and/or 7th grade students. It looks like we cover similar topics in our labs except you have more current software than we do. My focus for Middle School is productivity software (Office & Google Docs), Digital Citizenship & Keyboarding, primarily. We do work with Web2.0 tools on projects we do.

What kind of thing were you interested in collaboration on? We wouldn't be that different since we're also in Southern California but we're in Los Angeles, rather than San Diego, and we're a private school.
Hi Vicky, My name is Sherry Hegstrom and I teach 6th and 7th grade computers in Plaistow, NH, I would also be interesting in doing some distance learning through Skype or collaborations thru a wiki. Let me know if we can get our classes together :)
sykpe: shegstrom

Vicky, I would be intersted in this at well. I live in Plaistow NH and have many web 2.0 tools available to me. I would love to Skype or get collaboration on our wikis.
skype - shegstrom
Hi Sean,

I work for Glogster EDU. We offer a web-based platform that allows students and teachers to design and create projects across the curriculum spectrum using multi-media drag/drop technology. It has been very well-received, especially at the elementary school level. If you are interested in learning a bit more about Glogster EDU, please visit our website www.edu.glogster.com or reach out to me directly leo.evriviades@glogster.com


Are you still interested in doing this. I have some 7th grade technology students I would love to do some distance learning with?
sykpe username = shegstrom
wikis's = trms.wikispaces.com



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