Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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My name is Kaila Soltez. I am a Pittsburgh, PA native (go Steelers) who moved to southern Maryland to land a high school teaching job. I moved in August of 2006 and have been loving it here ever since. I am now in my 5th year of teaching and added a new prep to my schedule this year - Trigonometry with Probability & Statistics. I also teach Algebra 1 with Cognitive Tutor (a computer program) and am taking 2 grad classes. Needless to say, I do not have much free time for "fun" things.

Hello Everyone
I am Bruce Brown, an owner of e Skills Learning and new to Classroom 2.0. I have been in educational publishing for more years than I care to admit -- and we have recently moved our product development onto the iPod Touch. My vendor pitch is in the "shameless vendor" section. I just wanted to introduce myself here.

I am a native of Philadelphia, spent most of my adult working career in the Baltimore area, and have recently chosen the Mountains of Western North Carolina (Asheville) as home. A beatufiul place to live and work.
Chris Casal, tech teacher/coordinator at PS 10 in Brooklyn.

8th year as a tech teacher, before that I lived my life as a dotcom guy, since '97 - distance learning, on-demand audio and video streaming, live event streaming (I engineered Devo live from the TechTV launch party over ISDN, ah, the good ol' days...), and little traditional film and television worked mixed in to all of that...

I work with k-5 so I run the gamut of basic computer use, drawing, etc to more in-depth internet research, Keynote presentations, and on-line work via my blog, Twitter, and Wikispace (the wiki is still in development).
Hi. My name is Jenn Weiss. I teach Pre-K through 5 computers and manage technology at a Pre-K to 8th grade private school. I'm always looking for new ways all of our teachers can incorporate new tech tools in their classrooms.
Hi Jenn,
I am Marsha from Israel, we are implementing a large project called Globaldreamers with friends around the world.We would love to invite you and your kids to join in our activities at
We share an authentic learning process with global collaboration.Kids really enjoy it and we love making new friends.

I'm a HS Math teacher from Tucson and it is 103 degrees today! And one of our teachers was bitten by a rattlesnake last week. Otherwise Tucson is a great place to live. One of my students is from Sweden. He has been here for six months and I wondered if anyone knows of some Algebra 1 videos in Swedish? I found a translation of math terms. Love the Internet. It would be nice to offer him some instruction in his first language. Thanks.
Hello, everyone. I'm Park Seunghoon, an English teacher in South Korea. Park is my family name, because in Korea, we Koreans put our family name first. Glad to be here! Help me a lot. : ) And I hope to share good ideas.
I am from India.I am working as an Associate Professor in the National Institute of Education.I am interested in use of formative assessment in classrooms.
I am a technology specialist at an elementary school K-5 in Pennington NJ. I work with students and teachers and love my job. I am passionate about the use of technology in education.
Carol, Hi there.
I just by chance saw your profile and noticed Pennington NJ. Now that right away brought back many memories as I went to the Pennington School for three years. I would have gone longer however my farther died and there just was not enough money to continue to send my off to a private school. There is allot more to the story but it is too long to go into it now.

Hopefully you catch this message and we can then start a correspondence back and forth.

Jim Gray
Hi all, I'm Rangle. Please feel free to say hi to me. Cheers.
I am a teacher at Key West High School in Key West Florida. 
I teach students with special needs ages 18 to 22
In a transition program. Our program utilizes iPod t
Touch with a program app proloque2go for communication
Facilitation. Students learn vocational skills in authentic
Settings through community based work experience 
I want to learn mire about Mac systems an software 
For all aspects of instruction and to offer increased
Assessabilty for my students in all areas of post
School life



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