Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with online peer marking.  The idea is that you take in written assignments, remove any identifiers and distribute them to the class for them to mark or review.


Tags: marking, online, peer, social

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I too have just been thinking about the same thing. Getting kids writing, and then having them edit (or mark) each other's work.

I was thinking about having my kids do the writing on their blogs, with the editing coming via the comments sections.

This is a little different than what you were talking about...obviously not removing identifiers this way.

I have tried handing out old writing assignments (similar assignments from years gone by) along with the writing rubric and have the students grade the paper individually, and then discuss the grades they gave, along with the rationale for each grade as a class. I found this activity very helpful to do both before and after writing assignments. Doesn't put anyone on the spot but allows the students to flip the spots with me and do the grading. They always enjoy it.

I teach Grade 8. If you teach anything of a similar age, would you be interested in having our students connect and edit each other's work?

Let me know if you are.

Im a big fan of google docs. If students type their essays either into google docs or if you can get the typed version you can upload or copy and paste into a google doc then the students name can be left off of the document and other students can ADD COMMENTS in google docs. Multiple students could comment on the same paper.

Create a google site with a list of the links to the google docs for students to peer edit. Require that the students put their initials at the top and the date they edited and that they have to edit at least 3 other students papers and they have to choose ones that have been edited 2 times or less for it to count. (So all papers get edited, not just the first few)



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