I'm looking for webcam and mic headset recommendations for use with K-8 students. These would be used for Skype collaboration-type conversations and digital storytelling. We have some CRT and some flat panel monitors. Need good quality equipment that can stand the type of use they would receive in a computer lab environment.

Tags: equipment, microphone, webcam

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We use the Mocrosoft life cam for Skype conferences with groups. It has a built in mike that is pretty powerful because it is designed for conferencing. The pictures are clear and the audio is great.
Thanks, Grace. I will check it out. This will be in a lab situation, so I thought keep the mic closer to the student would help to reduces the noise somewhat.
Forgot to ask for a model number! There are several LifeCams out there!
Dear Rena,

The only webcam that I have worked with is the Logitech Pro9000. It also has a built in microphoe,
I think that if you stick with a branded webcam, you'll be better off...Microsoft or Logitech are pretty good companies.
Optics are good and the software provides a lot of options.

As far as microphones are concerned, you could spend $5.00 or $500.00. I've tested cheap microphones from WalMart,as long as they have a 3.5mm plug, you are all set. These will have different "brands"..but there are all basically made by the same company.
For $8.00 they work fine.



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