New free teacher professional develop resource - need feedback and suggestions

Hi Everyone,

I am part of a team that has been developing a free resource for teachers in any discipline called Learning to Teach Online. We have been funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council to design and develop this resource. Basically is it about showcasing best online teaching practice in a range of disciplines, and also investigating different online pedagogical issues by interviewing a diverse range of real teachers.

We have only just released our first 'episodes' and would love to hear feedback from teachers out there as to their use, and possible impact. Do you like them? Are they useful for you? What else would you like to see covered? That type of thing....

If you are interested in taking a look, please visit

We'd love to get your feedback here or in our official feedback forum here.

Thanks very much, hope to get some good feedback from teachers in the field!

Tags: case, development, elearning, how, learning, online, professional, study, teach, teaching, More…to

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This is awesome. I am sure I will become a fan.

I would also recommend Britain's "Teacher TV" -- ... an excellent collection of free "shows" about teaching.

Thank you again.
Thanks very much for taking a look. I have already looked through teachertv and it looks like a great resource. I'd like to share our videos there too but it looks like you can't link to youtube.

Glad you like the episodes so far, and I hope you'll let us know what you think as more episodes are released early next year!
Have a look at how does their videos ala youtube.

Best Wishes
Thanks will do...



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