Gosh! I'm sorry I didn't think of this first, but we really SHOULD introduce ourselves, shouldn't we? :-)

Tags: introductions, teachers

Views: 702

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Welcome, Carolyn!
Yes, getting the right book into a child's hands is a great goal! Have you read the book The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller? If not, it's a must read!
-Michelle TG
Hi All!
My name is Lorrie Murdy.
I have been teaching for 18 years...13 years at the Spring Lake Park District in Fridley, MN.
I am currently a First grade teacher at Northpoint Elem. in Blaine, MN.
I have been married for 22 years, and we will be empty nesters this Fall.
I have a daughter, Jennifer, that, will be a Junior at U of WI at Madison, and a son, Ryan, that will be a Freshman at the U of MN.
I enjoy running, biking, reading, and the beach!

I am looking forward to having my students blog with me, parents, and other students in the grade level/school/other states this year.
Any help you can offer with this would be great.
I am so excited to be a part of this new group. I have been a reading specialist for the past 10 years in Milwaukee, WI. I am now staying home with my 3 year old and also have a 6 and 7 year old. I am starting my own reading tutoring company online and work with students through Skype using only materials on the computer. Information on my company can be found at http://www.wix.com/jbkaminski/tutoring. I have a page on facebook as well. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Sussex-WI/Bright-IDEA-Reading-Tutoring/135003776543942?ref=ts

Currently I am doing a lot of PowerPoint with my students. I am also using Voki, Voicethread, and Wallwisher.
what an interesting idea!
I am a reading specialist and librarian. I teach some technology also and 7.8 electives. I have taught grades k.1.3. and 5-8.
Love the profession and it is exciting to learn more and meet all of you. Oh I was a literacy coach for 2 years and hold my admin cert in case my husband loses his job. So far, So Good
Hi Everyone! I am a veteran teacher and am new to the concept of Web 2.0. I am taking a cohort through Johns Hopkins University and it was one of our assignments to sign up for a social network geared toward our area of interest. So, here I am! I am a reading specialist in Baltimore County, Maryland and am particularly in reading strategy instruction, reading intervention techniques, and brain research. Looking forward to learning a lot!
Welcome Judy. I am also a Reading Specialist and look forward to collaborating with you.

Hello all,


I'm Caz and I'm a grade 3 teacher in Melbourne, Australia. I've predominantly taught grades 2 and 3 since I began teaching 4 years ago. My special interest has always been Literacy. I completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2002 which focused pretty much on Literature and history (philosophy and theology mostly) and after deciding to become a teacher in late 2003, I knew that Literacy would continue to be a focus. In 2010 I was fortunate enough to be chosen to do a reading professional development program here in Australia called Reading to Learn and that has sparked my deeper interest in the subject. The program is aimed here in Melbourne at grades 5-8, however I have found it worked brilliantly with my grade 3s last year. I have also applied to do a professional certificate in teaching English as a second language through Melbourne Uni this year as we have a high migrant community within our school and local area.


I look forward to learning more from everyone here. :)

Hello All!


My name is Katie Muhtaris.  I teach fifth grade in Chicago.  I just went through National Board certification and I've been trying to continue my work on reflecting on my classroom practices.  I work at a school with teacher authored reading and writing curriculum.  I live for children's literature and spend a lot of time fussing over my classroom library.  (too much!) 

I'm working on a teacher blog to share ideas and as a reflection tool for myself.  Stop by if you have a chance. 


Inquiry Live in the Classroom


I'm looking forward to collaborating with everyone.

Hi! My name is Lisa Hazen. I teach Kindergarten in Kansas. This is my seventh year of teaching. I am currently getting my masters in Technology Enhanced Teaching. I'm excited to be a part of this group and learn what other teachers are doing in their classrooms with reading.



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