Hi again! I've had some really good input and gotten some great resources from this site so I'm hoping to get lucky once again. Our school is moving towards interactive whiteboards in all classrooms - we have been going with Smart Boards since we are still getting Katrina discounts in Louisiana. We have 2 sets of interactive classroom responders.

My question - is there an open source - or even cheap - software that I can install on our lab computers to turn my PCs into student responders? Where we could take interactive quizzes with live student input?


Erin Cobb

Views: 1930

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hi Erin :)

for interactive quizzes, you can see scenari opale, j-clic and exelearning.

is it good for you ?


Hi Ghis,
Thanks so much for your reply. I looked into each of these software packages and I don't see how any of them can be used as interactive quiz software. For example, exelearning is an xhtml editor. I haven't figured out quite what scenari opale is... and it looks like I need to be a web developer or programmer to use any of these, including j-clic. Can you provide any more guidance?
Hi Erin :)

you may tell me your suitable time when i can share my desktop with you, so you can see how to use scenari opale for exemple. In order that you see my desktop we can use this very good website : www.spark-angels.com .

what do you think about this idea ?

Notes for SCENARI Opale :
to download (you have to have openoffice installed (but i don(t know if with OOO 3.0 it will be good now, better it's to have openoffice 2.4.2 and don't upgrade it for the moment) : http://scenari-platform.org/projects/opale/en/pres/co/

Notes for Jclic :
To download : JClic author (for teatcher on this page : http://clic.xtec.es/en/jclic/download.htm )
To see exemples of Jclic : http://clic.xtec.net/db/act_en.jsp?id=2740

For the 3 softwares you don't need to be a webdevelopper or programmer, however, you have to spend 1 or 2 hours to learn how use them... exelearning is an xhtml editor but can create quizz, is it that you want to do (i'm not sure i'have well understood what you want ) ? (sorry my english is very bad, do you speak spanish (or french) ?)

Best regards,

Hi Erin,

Here are some websites that I found while looking for some open source software for my website. Not for sure if this is what you are looking for.


I have worked with thatquiz.org and wiziq.com

Google Docs can also do well when using forms.

I am currently trying to become more conscientious of the amount of passwords my elementary and middle school kids need to manage already!
Hi Erin,

Did you ever find a solution to your question?

"- is there an open source - or even cheap - software that I can install on our lab computers to turn my PCs into student responders?"

Thanks, :-)


I am the founder of www.studybuddycampus.com a free community that provides powerful and fun tools to teachers and students. Our Beta site is available for testing right now. Every week we add new features, we have been considering adding a live quiz tool to our virtual classrooms. What would be the requirements for such a tool in your opinion?

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I think you should go for google presentation.

You create a Google presentation with your quiz (https://docs.google.com) and publish. Click on the published link and this will open up your PowerPoint online and a chat window will appear on the right side of the screen. If students log into their Google accounts  their names will appear in the chat window.

See how it works. http://edtechvision.org/?p=263 




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