Personally, I enjoy playing with babies, but it's the 7-10 year olds that I really enjoyed teaching because of their eagerness to learn and their still simple approach to what they consider fun. But asides from enjoying the job, I wondered which teaching specialization pays the most? Is it that the higher the level you teach at, the more you earn? Or does it depend on the location? Or the school?

Tags: job, salary, specialization, teacher, teaching

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In my opinion i think it varies, but it has to do alot with the career that you choose and were you teach, the location is very important.
I think it really depends on the system/district/etc.

Here in NYC we are all part of a Union with a fixed salary scale. The salary scale is across the board. Doesn't matter if you are High School English or 1st grade. You make more money getting to different steps on the scale. A Bachelors degree is 1 step. Get a Masters and you bump up a step. 30 credits above a Masters and you bump another step...

... You also get yearly increases and 5, 10, 15, 22 year longevity bumps.

I'm in my 8th year and I have a Masters plus the 30 credits (my 2 additional Masters satisfied that criteria) so I am on the salary step for an 8th year teacher, including my 5 year longevity bump and my Masters+30 bump. I make more than an 8th year teacher with only a Masters, but the same as any 8th year teacher with a Masters+30.
Thanks for your responses!



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