Students, post (by pasting a live link) to an AUP you found, here (including grade level) and be sure to comment back on at least two other student's AUPs.  Comment on the grade level appropriateness and if it seems to be comprehensive enough. (Oh and everyone has to have a different AUP - you can't use the same one someone else has already posted.)

Tags: cped2023, jbc

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I'll go ahead and post the first one. You can find it from where I used to teach here.

CAK's AUP (6-12 grade) really attempts to address both the mechanics and the spirit of what it means to have technology and use it. It's often difficult to address the differences in appropriateness for grade levels spanning K-12. CAK has a separate AUP for K-2 and 3-5 if I recall. Having been a teacher there and having dealt with some issues in the past, it definitely provided the basis for talking to students and their parents about the implications and necessary disciplinary measures (which not all AUP's spell out definitely) that will be taken if the AUP is disregarded.

Ok my other AUP would be for Connery Elementary School in Lynn MA. The only thing I think I didn't like was that they did not divide the AUP into grade levels. But they had great rules to go by.
I really liked this AUP. It is very precise yet not to lengthy. It would be good from Upper elementary and middle school.

This AUP is from Geneva Area Schools, my home school district.
lydia-more detail please?
This policy seems good, but it may be difficult for younger students to understand. However, since it is a district-wide policy, it must encompass everything necessary for every grade.
This policy is not specific for any one grade level, and has no date for the policy.

I do not remember ever having to sign a paper agreeing to this AUP, but it was something that was briefly reviewed during the beginning of the year assembly.

I see this AUP as being acceptable and informative, but needing revisions for different age groups.
It looks very detailed!
This is the AUP for Greenbrook Elementary School in Kendall Park, NJ. It is for K- 2nd grade. It seems appropriate for the lower grade levels. The language is very simple and would be understandable for young students. It covers everything that is necessary for what is done in a lower level classroom. I believe it would work well.
Lydia- Nice name, greenbook, I like it. It does look like it would work well and they could fully understand it even if it wasn't explained by an adult. they would know what was right and what was wrong.
Your right, this is very simple. It gives the students the ability to understand what they can and can not do.
Yeah that was a good one, haha :) Very age-appropriate



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