Tags: introductions, teachers
Hello all,
I'm Caz and I'm a grade 3 teacher in Melbourne, Australia. I've predominantly taught grades 2 and 3 since I began teaching 4 years ago. My special interest has always been Literacy. I completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2002 which focused pretty much on Literature and history (philosophy and theology mostly) and after deciding to become a teacher in late 2003, I knew that Literacy would continue to be a focus. In 2010 I was fortunate enough to be chosen to do a reading professional development program here in Australia called Reading to Learn and that has sparked my deeper interest in the subject. The program is aimed here in Melbourne at grades 5-8, however I have found it worked brilliantly with my grade 3s last year. I have also applied to do a professional certificate in teaching English as a second language through Melbourne Uni this year as we have a high migrant community within our school and local area.
I look forward to learning more from everyone here. :)
Hello All!
My name is Katie Muhtaris. I teach fifth grade in Chicago. I just went through National Board certification and I've been trying to continue my work on reflecting on my classroom practices. I work at a school with teacher authored reading and writing curriculum. I live for children's literature and spend a lot of time fussing over my classroom library. (too much!)
I'm working on a teacher blog to share ideas and as a reflection tool for myself. Stop by if you have a chance.
I'm looking forward to collaborating with everyone.
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