I will be having my 5th graders create book trailers for their favorite books in the next month or so.  Has anyone else tackled such a project?  If so, did you use Photostory or Windows Movie Maker?  Any other advice, suggestions or hints would also be appreciated!

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I'd better clarify.  My students will not be shooting video; they will be using still shots.
Just saw a post about using Animoto to create short book trailers. I am going to try this with my third and fourth graders this spring.
I'd love to use animoto (for a lot of things) but it is blocked in my district.  Let me know how it works for you!
just check in to the age limit thing...

Janine, I did this with my fifth graders and it was FABULOUS!!!! We used iMovie on a mac but it would be fine in moviemaker3 I think.  Students first completed some basic info about the book/theme/characters, etc., then I taught them how to find royalty free images. Then they were good to go. I also found a rubric online which I modified to fit the project. Email me at dmurphy@srvusd.net if you'd like the link to see my students' trailers.


Also, the rubric can be found at www.rubistar.4teachers.org

 It will say "go to a saved rubric" and type in this number:



good luck!




Done with Free programs --Karafun Editor and (PowerPoint) and FormatFactory

Karafun is a surprisingly versatile program - it comes with a media player, can manage pictures and transformations on a time-line, products convert to avi, it even has built in audio record. Designed to make karaoke --my students make audio-media.
I've used Animoto in a few different applications in my room. It's a great piece of software and the kids will pick it up in no time. I sometimes wish it would accept more text, however. It's a great program to use, like you say, for presenting work that doesn't have to be too in depth. Good luck!

Hi! I attended training with some librarians regarding book trailers? 


Either of those programs will work. You could probably do more cool tricks with Windows Movie Maker, but I am only saying that because I less experience with Photostory then Windows Movie Maker.


My librarian used Animoto - but Animoto says users have to be 13yrs or older.  Actually, they tout an Educator version, but they ask you to create a fake birthday for under-aged children. 





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