Hello, I am currently working with several colleagues to determine which would be better for the classroom: The Nook, The Kindle or The Ipad. Funding will be grant-based and would support the purchase of one of these technologies. I'm wondering if anybody else has used these in the classroom and what their impressions are? I currently own an Ipad and love it for the numerous apps available and its functionality as an ereader. The one downside to the Ipad is the allure of numerous apps that distract the students and its price point. On the flipside, a simple ereader is limited to just that, reading. We have tried netbooks and they haven't been very successful due to the limited memory, startup times and network issues. What are everybody's thoughts, experiences or recommendations?

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Thanks CP,
I'll check them out....

I just viewed a video on you tube by Kim Commando, reviewing four different readers...Guaranteed not to answer your original question...but a good overall review.

Dear Members,

I just watched a short video on the Kno tablet: Along with a critical review.



However, I learned early in my college years, that I had to read textbooks and write elaborate down notes in order to learn./memorize the information. It just did not "sink in" soley by reading. As I watched the video, there it was, the good old days of studying and cramming for BioPhysiology UGH!

With the dual screen unit aimed at students, not consumers, one could read a textbook on the lefthand screen and take notes on the righthand screen. AWESOME!

Following this concept, targeting education, is the future of eTextbooks. It's definetly worth a look...into the future.


I have a Nook ( my personal device) and have been using it in class with my reluctant readers and lower readers.  It is a great motivator for them to read and I can buy (on my own dime) high interest books so it eliminates the excuse that the classroom library has nothing they want to read. 

I am finding my reluctant readers will read for longer stretches and my lower readers are not as embarrassed to read appropriate books because no one can see the title and say "My little sister reads those!" etc...


I try to rotate it about every week but it varies. 

I would love to have enough for everyone but you do have to consider how you are going to fill that library.  Most of the free books are not really age appropriate for my elementary school kids so you need to be sure the grant can cover stocking the shelves. 


I'm writing a grant for our ed foundation to underwrite the purchase of 30 e-readers (class set). I just can't say yet which one. Kindles have the audible advantage (although I don't know what the voice sounds like), and the Nook has the password protection feature. Don't like the restrictive amazon.com-only downloads on the Kindle, I like having the flexibility of public domain downloads or "freebies" that are available from different sources. How do I balance the pros and cons of each device and make the right purchasing decision? Some of my students can benefit from the font-size choices...but neither the Kindle nor the Nook are being marketed for educational applications as far as I can tell.

I like the idea of kids having their 'privacy' when it comes to reading levels and content. One of my frosh students whom I begged, and who resisted, all semester long to "take out a book" during the last few minutes of class time, came back after winter recess reading, 13 Reasons Why on her brand new Nook! As a librarian, we're all about getting books (in any form) into the hands of our students--reading at their level with the hope our students will eventually look for more challenging content as their comprehension and vocabulary increase. If an e-reader does that, then that's justification enough for me. Seems like an appropriate course since students are drawn to their iPods, cell phones, and all things electronic.

From someone who learned to teach in the 'open plan--what do we need walls for'' classroom--I'm willing to try something new that may get kids to re-connect with reading again... Thoughts, comments?




Check out Tony Vincent. He's a guru on mobile learning devices. He has some really good online videos on how to make the best use of iPads in the classroom.
Here's his website

Hi Chris,

Well the first Windows 7 TouchScreen Pad for education is being released by RM Education. (I am not a dealer, their shipping charges are excessive)

This one is called the "RM Slate". Marketed to education. It will be at the TSEA show in Feb.

YouTube Video


You can find some stats on the UK website.



I have not found any pricing yet.....The US division is secondary to the UK operation.


Once again, this the first unit that I have seen. It sells for 399.00 British Pounds in the UK. That is a lot of money.

I am still convinced the the Kno tablet is on a better track for teachers and students,


Thanks   JJC





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