When you check into your favorite educational website (LOL), you'll see that the name has changed.

We're now Vocabulary SpellingCity.com.  Same URL (Still www.SpellingCity.com) and still free for most uses!  Just a new name.   Why?

The name change reflects the rollout of a complete redo of the site over the last year in which we added a massive amount of new features. We have added a great amount of vocabulary and grammar capability with both new games and new underlying resources to work with. This is expanding the use from primarily elementary into middle and high schools. 


New games. The big hit is Word-O-Rama, a game showformat for vocabulary practice that works great on a big screen or forindividual use.  The game mixes practice with definitions, usage,antonyms, and synonyms. The other new le

arning activities are a vocabularytest, a definitions match game, and a parts of speech game. Everyone can usethese activities on the site’s hundreds of resource and sample lists. Only premium members can use them on their own lists.


New resources. We have incorporated definitions for forty thousand words. We have written definitions for EACH major usage of a word.  For instance, the word scale might have five usages (for a device that weighs, climbing, fish skin, musical, proportionlike on a map).  For each definition, ee have a sentence illustrating its use, spoken by a human, Each use has a part of speech identified with it. And wehave added synonyms and antonyms.  As I said, we've been VERY VERY busy.

We'd appreciate your feedback and your help getting the word out. Take a look at the site:  Vocabulary SpellingCity.com.


Some features & teaching resources:

Compound Word (with lesson plans)Geography TermsSound-AlikesAnalogies(related site)

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I have used Spelling City with my 4th grade students for years. My students have always enjoyed playing the games. They don't even realize that they are learning, reviewing, and practicing their words. They think they are having fun!

I have entered my weekly spelling lists for the entire year. In fact, I did that several years ago because once you create a list, it is saved. My students play spelling and vocabulary games daily during reading centers on the Promethean board. "Vocabulary and Spelling City" has made sure that all the games are fully functional on interactive whiteboards. Just another reason I love their site!

This site has really outdone themselves with their changes. I have looked for years for quality vocabulary and grammar games. Now, I have found them! My kids absolutely love Word-O-Rama!

You know how kids can watch the same cartoon over and over and never get tired of it? This is how my students are with "Vocabulary and Spelling City." Thanks for a fantastic site!



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