I am looking around at the various Master's programs for Educational Tech/Instructional Tech. Value is the biggest factor for me. Cost is 2nd (hey I am a public school teacher with a stay at home wife) and I want to get a good relevant education that won't take me 50 years to pay off.

Is there anyone out there who just finished an affordable program they would recommend?

We have a local college, but they are currently offer Ed Tech. as a "concentration" so I get 4 tech classes and then things like School Law, Etc. that I don't feel pertain as much to what I want to do.

It also sounds like there are a few options for what you can specialize in from what I have read. Some programs specialize in instructional design, some in tech training so you can train teachers, etc.

Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Hello Brandon and family,

I have completed my Master degree in Curriculum, Instruction and Technology in the Classroom at the University of Phoenix. The cost was more then in Canada, but still very reasonable.


What is the degree of study actually called at Phoenix? I couldn't find it on the website.


I just checked the online at UofP and have not seen my program being offered.

Has anyone gone through Master of Science degree in Instructional Media from Wilkes and Discovery Education.


I think long term, I would like the option to be a Tech Coordinator for a smaller school district. I'm not sure how much that plays into all of this either.

Hi Brandon - I will finish my Master's this spring through the University of Nebraska at Kearney in instructional technology.  Great program, well focused, flexible and I fairly priced.




Good luck!

I emailed UNK already, so I will wait to see if I get a response. There are a load of electives that fall under the 15 hours though, it might be hard to pick.

Thanks for the opinions, keep them coming!
Yeah, I looked at Full Sail but it's either 31,000 or 19,000 with the educator scholarship. As much as I have thought about it and drooled over being able to do it in a year, I don't know if I can swing that for that much $ all at once.

I have only talked to a few people that have gone through it and got mixed reviews. Have you gone through it?
I also wondered if anyone who took Full Sail in a year had time to do anything other than homework for a year :)

Hi Brandon,


I just finished my M.S. in Ed Tech from California State University, Fullerton.  It's a state university - so theoretically, the cost is supposed to be affordable.  However, for out of state residents the tuition is more.  The best part of this program is that the courses are applicable and relevant for educators who are interested in integrating technology into the curriculum.  This program is done completely online but you are not an island.  The instructors require collaborative learning via wikis and blogs.  They also use GoogleDocs, Skype, and VoiceThread as a means to collaborate and share information.  BlackBoard is the medium used for weekly class discussions.  As a busy educator, this program was perfect for me.  They have an accelerated program where I believe you can finish your masters in one year, but you are taking classes during the winter and summer sessions.  I spread my classes out because I needed the break from school and "school"...so it took me two and a half years.  But I feel that this program has prepared me with the tools and skills to be an effective teacher of technology.  =)  I've uploaded a link to a more detailed description of the program.  


M.S. Ed Tech Program


If you're interested, please let me know.  I can put you in touch with my graduate advisor who is AWESOME!  

I am working on a Masters degree that is completely online.  It is at the University of Nebraska Kearney and I have loved it!  All the classes are online and seems pretty affordable to me, but I am also instate.  May be worth looking into!



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