Next year I am returning to kindergarten after a 3 year 'visit' to 3rd grade. I work in a school full of tecnolongical resources, including an activobard (whiteboard),personal laptop, 4 desktop computers, mobile laptop carts, digital cameras, and scanners. My hope is that I can lay the foundation for my students to truly integrate technology into their learning, not just do the same projects on a computer that they used to do with pencil/paper. I am looking for some transformational kinds of learning experiences that are still appropriate for 5-6 year olds. I would greatly appreciate any and all advice, suggestions, and links....

Scott Gaglione

Tags: kindergarten, learning experiences, technology, transformational

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I'm about 2 years late, but I have to say the amount of resources posted on here are great! This is my 5th year teaching Kindergarten and I'm still trying to find additional ideas for the resources in my classroom. I currently have 3 computers, an overhead, and listening center for books on cd.


When my students are at the computer they have been using and pixie to create "art pieces". They have also visited sites: (membership has been provided by the school) This is great for letters and sounds (sight words) (uppercase and lowercase letters) (all areas) (all areas)


During literacy centers I will also let my students use the overhead for a place to write our sight words, use magnetic letters to build our centers, as well as additional overhead games.


While I do not have a SMARTboard at this time, I will next year and always looking for ideas so I can start the year off right. Does anyone have ideas that I can use? Now remember, I will be a "beginner" at this!


I think it is very important that students be exposed to all types of technology, no matter the age. Our society thrives on computers, elmos, etc and if we want our "future leaders" to succeed with and produce more advance pieces of technology, let's start in Kindergarten! My students get so excited when they visit the computer and thoroughly enjoy playing the games. I love that they are "playing games" and learning at the same time. No matter what age, I truly believe you need to have fun while you're learning - it sticks better! I still hope some people are following this feed because I would love to see if there are additional ideas out there and how you, Scott, are doing.

If you like your kids to be able to listen to stories, there are two great websites for story telling-one is tumblebooks and the other is  Tumblebooks is animated stories and mostly they use the artwork from the books and use a technique where the picture moves but it isn't really animated (they called it the Ken Burns effect).  Tumblebooks also has companion pieces like games and quizzes.  Storylineonline is sponsored by the screen actors guild and there are famous actors reading stories.  Sean Astin reading Stripes is absolutely amazing.  So is Lou Diamond Philips reading Polar Express and James Earl Jones could read the phone book and would listen to it all day long!  Some of the stories are fairly long but my first graders will sit and listen completely engaged.  

And for you, as a companion piece, there is a website called Teaching that has teacher support (it's a fee based website but our district has access to it, maybe yours does too.).  What's really great on teaching books is they have interviews with authors that the kids really like-it gives you such a different perspective on their work.  



Thank you so much! I have heard about (although it seems to take forever to load on the computer!), but I have never heard about tumblebooks. I don't see myself having the time this week to try it out in the classroom, but I know I would like to in the next week or two. It's always nice having additional ideas for the resources at hand. I will also have to take a look at TeachingBooks as well. Do you show your class this or watch independently?

Google Kathycassidy - she has tons of resources for little kids.  On her class blog she also has a link to 2Mgems which is another fantastic site and Log in to  Literacy is her wikispace of resources for teachers.  Great ideas


I am taking a graduate class and someone actually just referred me to that site..what a small world. Thanks for looking out!

You are welcome to use my site as well. Just click on K and you will have a page full of age appropriate (kindergarten tested) websites that the kids can navitage themselves. There are also resources for each grade up through 8th. Hope this helps!

here is a little-known website with some free educational activities: - Art/creativity - Math - Alphabet




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