I teach a class called "Integrating Technology into the K-12 Classroom" at The University of Tennessee. We are currently exploring wikis in the classroom. If you are willing I would love to be able to share your "success story" with my students.


Please share:

  • Grade
  • Subject
  • Benefits or cons
  • Students acceptance of using wikis
  • Any parental issues

Thanks! Your help is appreciated. It always helps to share "real world" examples.


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Sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing.




I am a teacher in the Education Department at Central Community College in Columbus, NE.  One of the classes I teach is "Instructional Technology for Teachers."  Students in this course work with a number of different programs/projects to learn how to integrate technology into their future classrooms.  I would like to have communication with you about your class at the University of Tennessee - Integrating Technology into the K-12 Classroom.  My email address is:



I am sure that there are ideas we could share with each other.  And, we could also have our students communicate with each other about their classes and about the process of becoming a teacher.  Thanks for your time.


Mel J. Janousek 


Sounds great! I look forward to communicating with you soon!


Jeff Beard


I love wikis! I have been using Wikispaces.

Several uses at school now

I have used wikis for my subject (Mathematics) - pages for any topic we have been studying - and associated discussions.

Wikis for learning journals - each student in my class has a page where they write about how they are learning, targets for improvement and so on.

Our Economics teacher has set up a wiki so her students can create a collaborative revision resource.

Our Head Girl team uses a wiki to collaborate.

Lots of examples online  - I put this together for staff at my school.


Thank you so much for sharing this! I have 10 math students this semester so it is great to hear from a math teacher. I really love the wiki you created! I will share it as we are covering all of those tools!



The wiki you put together for your staff is awesome, thanks for sharing.  I am new to the wiki world and your page will be very helpful.


Thanks again.



Hi, Jeff!

I recently began "playing around" with wikis this year, and I have a collection of wikis that I have created for different purposes on my blog. Please feel free to take a look at the "wikispaces" section. I also have an embedded document that I created as a wikispaces "cheat sheet" to introduce others to the different tools that wikis offers.




Looks fantastic! I will share this with my students. It really helps them to see examples of what teachers are doing in the classroom.



Hello all - the page I posted is actually part of a WordPress blog (WordPress is another favourite of mine) - though I could easily have used a wiki. I tend to use Wordpress when I want to give information to others.

I started  Mathematics, Learning and Web 2.0 to learn about WordPress and got into the blogging habit!

When I wanted to share information about useful tools for staff and students I created these two.

 Digital Tools  (for educators and includes classroom applications)

 Digital Tools for Students (resources I think many of our students will find useful)


Now here is a wikispaces wiki which may be of interest - I have created this to introduce some of our staff to wikis. I shall get them to create their own pages and hopefully they will see that it is quite straightforward.

 Training Wiki


The idea of this wiki is to show staff what a wiki can look like, let them create a few pages, also to introduce them to some other tools.


You might like the story of the wikispaces - see the Storybird page. Three of my year 7s wrote this.
(Year 7 is the first year of our secondary school - age 11-12.)




Thanks for sharing all of this! Fantastic! This will be great for my math folks! The rest are great resources as well!




Here's a blog post I wrote entitled "Wiki's, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Feel free to use and adapt. 


Thanks, love the to the point "Good, Bad, and Ugly"....good stuff!






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