I am trying to gather resources right now for using Google with Elementary students. I want to hear people's stories, AUPs, letters to parents, and so on. I am pretty fluent with Google applications, but not with Google education edition. I have a feeling that when I am hired on at a school district that they will not be using Google Education Edition :( This is why I am on the quest for info about using "regular" Google.

I have mocked up a class website, blog, and digital student portfolios. I have intergrated docs and calendar into all of these. For students to get the full benefit of these tools I feel each student would need to have their own Google account.

Tags: aup, elementary, google, googleapps, intergration, tools

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Do you have them set up under a domain, or are they using regular Google.

The advantage of creating a domain (about ten dollars) is that you are administrator, they don't need e-mails, and they can't get outside of your network. Essentially you sign them up, instead of having their parents sign them up from home. If you have a spreadsheet of their usernames and passwords, you can upload all of your students' files using CSV (comma separated value) files.

These directions http://isd197training.wetpaint.com/page/Google+Docs on how to create your own docs domain may be dated (I created them about a year ago), but I thought I'd share. Good luck.
Thank you! Do you mind if I share this information with my Graduate class?

I bought my own domain (well at least I think) a few years ago from GoDaddy for a easy address for students to get to the website that I was using during student teaching. I had no idea that I could use it to set up an administrator account. Right now I have everything under regular Google except the one class website. Are the students able to "transfer" their accounts to regular Google after they are done with your class? I will be working with military families and I am trying to figure out ways to help ease the unique stresses they have. I feel that using cloud based applications for communicating, student portfolios, and other things could really elevate some of those stresses and give the students the experience of 21st century learning environments.

What age groups do/did you work with?
How did you explain this to the parents?
What support did you have from your administration?

We just implemented Google Apps for Education and rolled out accounts for all of the Elementary students in Jan.  It was pretty easy to setup and the price was right...FREE.  We were also able to separate the Elementary from the Secondary accounts into different groups so that we could turn off the email for the Elementary students while still allowing calendar and document sharing.  


Admin: To setup Google Apps for Ed, you don't even need to pay for webhosting.  If the school has a website, you can simply create the Google Accounts for Ed under the existing domain (or a separate subdomain).


Account Transfer: Students with Education accounts are able to share docs with their personal account as well as pull email into their personal account from the Google Ed account.  

You might be interested in becoming a Google Certified Apps for Education Trainer. Basically, it's a program through Google where you learn all about Google for Education tools.


You can take all the classes for free but, to get the title of "Google Certified Trainer," you have to take six tests, which are $15 each (a total of $90). Like I said, though, you can get all the information for free and it'll probably help you a lot. I'm just in the beginning stages of the course, but I've already learned quite a bit.


There's more information on this Classroom 2.0 thread.


Good luck!


Katy Scott

Stretch Your Digital Dollar

Does your district need to be using Google Apps to become a trainer?
Nope! Anyone can become a certified trainer. You just have to take the free online courses and then take the tests.



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