I created a Pageflakes page back in 2007 to use as a homepage for my teaching activities and have kept it up until the present time.  It has basically functioned well except for a few glitches over the years where the site was "down" for a period of a few days.  Lately, it seems that it has been unavailable for periods of time again.  Is there anyone else who still has a Pageflakes page and is experiencing problems?  I'm thinking it may be time to give it up....

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I think they are dead (or at least on the verge).

All sites on the pageflakes.com domain are turning up errors.

Have you seen this article from last year?

I'd say move to something else like Google, with iGoogle as your personal start page and a Google Site as a public page for your students. Easiest and free.
I remember that article from 2009 when the problems happened, but they got their act together (I could live with the ads) and it worked well from then until just this week once more...Thanks for responding!
I use (and LOVE) Netvibes
I'm really worried about pageflakes, If they are really dead for good there's a lot of info I might lose (yes, I know, I should have made backup copies of everything, I'm really pissed with myself) Anyway, if anyone finds out what's going on otr what the forecast is, please letme know.
Minly I use it to create indexes of my students' blogs, so that I can see at a glance an in real time who's uploaded what. Does anyone know of a good alternative to do that?
Use the iGoogle feature of Google/Gmail.

You can make the iGoogle homepage stream Twitter feeds, RSS feeds, blog updates, etc.

It's probably the best custom homepage aggregator around. Very easy to customize and include most any content.
I'm having the same issues. Had many pages set up for a variety of purposes, but find it down often now.
It has been down completely since at least the 5th. Any search result shows heavy complaints by vendors and previous contractors for pageflakes, live universe, and the owner of live universe of not getting paid for months if at all. Some postings I've seen say that they didn't even pay the office internet bill and the workers had to work from home. I am not expecting it to return at this point.
As of this morning, my Pageflakes page is back, so probably most of yours are back as well. It may be an excellent time to back up anything you haven't backed up before! I will still continue to use it but have also started to develop alternative methods (my wiki)...

Drat!  I wish I knew about this.  I am kicking myself big time.  My pages are not loading! 



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