Looking for a high school class to collaborate on a project regarding global issues!

Hi! I am a high school business teacher. I teach a 21st century skills course. I would like to do a project next semester where my class collaborates with another class via Skype and or ietherpad or some the sort of collaborative tool. I would like to do a project in which the kids have to research a collaborate on a real life issue or concern they have or are facing within their generation. The topics can be chosen by the kids. I would like each group of kids to work together on coming up with a solution for whatever issue they choose. If anyone is interested in working on something like this...please let me know!

Tags: Collaborate, High, higher, level, project, school, thinking

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I am thinking the kids can create a presentation together using a web 2.0 tool like prezi or glogster where they share a log in and create together...
We would like to video conference.  Please contact Mike Cunningham mcunningham@del-valle.k12.tx.us

We can build a wiki, do some online video editing etc. I teach a HS Web 2.0 class and welcome opportunities to collaborate. I can include your students in my online Moodle class. I just caught the date and though it might be too late for this year nothing from stopping us to plan for next. If your interested let's talk. Although, we can put together a lesson or two for May and June.


Let's begin right away.  I would like to add the wiki and Moodle.  I would also like to video conference

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