For my final project in a social studies approaches class, I am to create a thematic unit with two other group members.  We are each in 4th grade classrooms and decided to do our unit on colonization and exploration.  As part of our project, we are to come up with 30 activities that we can put in a learning center for students to work on independently or with partners.  Does anyone have any ideas for activities with this theme?  Thank you!

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Collect Snapple bottles & make ships in a bottle.

Have students make a diorama of Jamestown

Make a passport of explorers.

I have a bunch of interactive resources:;

If you email me, I can also send you more resources:

Follow me on twitter @ActivJenny


Awesome, thank you!! I will definitely be emailing you, I appreciate it!

You might also be able to find some maps at the Library of Congress website or use this TimeLine Builder to have students create a timeline of the exploration.




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