What are some ways of using the iPod touch in the classroom?

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There are so many initiatives and action research on iPods.  I particularly like the two resources mentioned below because……

1) Apple page gives you a comprehensive view on what is available and how they could be utilized in different contexts. (http://www.apple.com/ca/education/why-apple/ )   

2) Glow is a larger scale initiative based on research findings which has proven results. (http://www.mrcroy.com/)


Hope you’d find this useful.

I have a senior Religious Education class using iPods for vocab work (using flash cards - Study Flash), for note-making and contributing to group projects (using Springnote). We also use them to access the Bible - saves bringing Bibles to class. Students have ready access to an online dictionary. They are able to access pdfs prepared for the class and read them using GoodReader Lite and iBooks. We have our own school app, designed by one of our students, which is used for creating personal timetables, accessing daily notices and posting notices to the rest of the school community. I run a social network page using mixxt.com and students are able to access the page and post to it using iPods (and a few html tags to enhance their work). One of our staff members has designed his own app for language teaching. It has a number of functions that can be used outside language teaching. Look for HGP in the iTunes App Store. It's a free app.

Hello Richard,

I checked out HGP on iTunes. Is Nathan Wood the seller and has a website at www.hagipod.com? With the flash cards, can pictures and audio be added to them or only text? I teach English as a second language and this year our students will use iPod touches so I'm trying to find free apps. Flash cards, quizzes, and game-type learning apps. Kaushilya and Richard, thanks for your posts!


We have had ipod touches for about 2 months. One way we use them is recording spelling tests. We differentiate with more than 1 list and it used to take us a lot of class time to be able to administer tests. Now we record ourselves and put all the tests in a playlist. Students can take the tests when they are ready, take as long as they need, rewind and listen again, pause to think, etc. This is such a time-saver in so many ways. We've also recorded ourselves reading aloud science and social studies tests for students who get a reader according to their IEP or just for those who need this support. We record students reading aloud for them to hear their fluency (or lack there of). Then they rerecord themselves to hear improvements. We have entered many tests (ie. reading selections and comprehension questions) into Google Docs. We have an app on the ipods that take the studnets to our webpage. On our webpage is a link to the Google Docs. They read and take the test(s). The beauty of this is instant data!! As soon as the students have completed the test you can display the class data on a screen for the class to see how they did. There are pie charts displaying the answers choices. This is great for formative assessments and discussion.

I'm going to try using them as an alternative computer...trying to find apps that will do something similar to the regular computers.  Right now I'm working on finding a good cartooning app because I want to take rock cycle pictures and allow students to demonstrate what they've learned about the rock cycle in a cartoon format.

The only thing I've discovered that might work is one of the storytelling apps.  I could upload rock picture image files, that could be downloaded to the iTouches and then used by the storytelling app.

Not sure if I'm missing something...maybe the could edit these somehow with one of the photo editing apps and make them more fun.  But I don't know.  I find that Tony Vincent's page  has been very helpful in getting things off the ground.  I'd love to hear your ideas, too.



I like your idea. Do you have the Storykit app? A teacher in my building has used it in combination with students written work and artwork. You could do something similar with the rock cycle. The students drew whatever (the rock cycle), took pictures of it, uploaded them into the Storykit app, recorded their voices explaining their art, either took pics of their written work or typed it in and basically created a digital book.

I don't because I was looking at Storyrobe.  What's the difference?  and I ahven't bought a gift card yet.  But I'm going to do that soon.  I was thinking more that they'd edit photos and then do something in a doodler app to draw the cycle and then blend them together.  But your idea may be even better.



Hmmmm... I'm not familiar with Storyrobe so I'm not sure what the difference is, sorry. The photos and doodler app sound like good ideas too.  Let me know if you end up doing the project and how it turns out. Good luck!


There are some great ideas floating around here.  You must check out some of the other discussions occurring on this forum site as well.  check out the following link, http://edte.ch/blog/interesting-ways/


I use iPod Touches with kindergartens!! There are tons of free apps on reading, writing, mathematics and more to download and let them play. I use them during our english & math centers - pairing the ipods with concrete manipulatives and paper and pencil activity sheets - plus increasing educational games during our afternoon "rest time". Here's my blog for more detailed list of games and activities. http://eakellyedet650.blogspot.com/

Like Elise, I also use iPods in the Kindergarten classroom.  I've checked out her blog and she has some great ideas about how to implement this technology!  In my classroom, my students also use many letter, word study, and Moving Picture book apps, as well as math apps that support the standards my state has set for its students.  Check out my blog for more ideas http://ikindergarten.blogspot.com/


I am the principal of a school in Baltimore County that is piloting the use of IPods in our fourth and fifth grade classrooms.   We have some cool things going on.  Check out my blog for details....


We are looking for folks to share our learning and to collaborate.


Harry Walker





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