I've been trying out some ideas in my classroom to fully integrate technology and limit the use of paper. I' ve had great success with unitedstreaming.com and using different web 2.0 for final project presentations. I feel that there is so much more out there on this concept of a paperless classroom and I don't want to limit myself. So, is there anyone out there exploring this paperless classroom concept who would like to share ideas?

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The note taking apps that allow you to write are great. Notepad pro, live notes, and notetaker all allow you to write, draw pictures and then send as an email. It's great! I love the apps.

I have two suggestions to contribute here. 

Use a document camera  to project information for the students, whether that would be math problems, text for a reading passage, a political cartoon, a worksheet, etc.  Our school has purchased one of these units for every classroom. Essentially the document camera has replaced the overhead--so there is no need to buy those expensive transparencies.  Using a worksheet under a document camera means you don't have to duplicate individual copies on paper for students.

My other suggestion involves assessment and feedback at any stage during a lesson.  I use electronic surveys for an exit ticket activity at the end of a lesson. Of course, the students need to have immediate access to a computer, but if they do...it's very easy for them to launch the survey from the link I provide in a shared folder, respond, and submit.  Results are available immediately, and the process is paperless.

Like the survey idea, wha do you use? Survey monkey, google apps? Ideally, would love for them to be able to bring their own mobile devices and then access to computer wouldn't be a problem. However,I'm using your idea of a survey for an exit slip. Also, instead of storing the surveys on a shared folder, take a look at livebinder.com. It's a great place to store stuff, like the surveys.



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