Many of you might have seen "A Vision of Students Today". I told our superintendent I'd email her the video (along with the video "Did You Know? Shift Happens"). Of course, YouTube is blocked by our district and I cannot find another version of Professor Wesch's video. I know this group has discussed websites that allow you to rename YouTube videos. Please remind me of the names of those sites. I'm too tired to search Classroom 2.0. Thanks in advance. N.

Tags: A, Did, Happens, Know?, Shift, Students, Today, Vision, You, YouTube, More…of, video

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You are much more articulate than I. My frustration with so many of the Web 2.0 tools conversations--where the beef? Where's the meat, the content.. I teach gifted kids in a special education program so I'm lucky and not hindered by a basic skills, high stakes testing focus. We can use the tools and produce (hopefully) real, relavant and meaningful content. Thanks for your voice of reason! N.
Well, I'm more wordy, anyway. ;-)

We're all fighting to become more culturally literate; and to figure out what content is going to remain relevent after all these tools become common place. Hopefully, we're in it together!
Did you ever happen across Karl Fisch's wiki about Shift Happens? It has all kinds of links and information about the presentation. It might be useful in the future.
Thanks for bringing that up! I had passed over it before. Watching it really hit home.

Now, to change it so that it reflects what it is we have in the US and the Queen's dominions that has kept these nations from passing us over the past 150 years. ;-)
Forgive me for replying to your question with a question but being the superintendent, I would assume he/she could bypass anything they wanted?



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