Our school will be experimenting with several Android tablets as well as the iPad this summer in hopes of starting a pilot program at some point next school year.  Does anyone have any Apps, Ideas, or Advice they would like to share about using Android Tablets and/or iPads in the classroom?

Tags: 3.0, android, apps, classroom, honeycomb, motorola, samsung, tablet

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I am super excited about the possibility of introducing new methods of teaching content in my classroom via tablets!!!
We started a 1:1 iPad program this year and I am running the teacher collaborative for it in our school. It is exciting but challenging introducing such new technology to a classroom. We are using Moodle as the launchpad for iPad use in the classroom as I believe you need a "base" of operation the kids can rely on. I am documenting the whole thing and will probably start a blog related to it. I will keep you informed.
Awesome - thanks for sharing that, Mark.  We'd love to see you blog once you get it up and running.  If you would share the link to it as a reply to this forum, we'll check it out.
Where is your district? My district is going through the same thing and Id love to see hear what you got going on

We're in the City of Salem Schools in Salem, VA: http://salem.k12.va.us/


We're going to experiment this summer and develop a pilot that will probably go into effect at some point during next school year.


Would love to hear about your experiences, as well.

We are a private school in Orlando.
The more I research the more that I conclude that laptops/netbooks are a more viable option for secondary school and higher ed. Tablets are great for media consumtion and elementary apps, but a vast majority of studies done tout netbooks/laptops as the more useful tool at this point in time. (Not to mention that actual cost of ownership is much lower and device management is much easier.)
We have a post from the beginning of the school year of iPad apps that would be great for classroom use. Check it out here -- http://kiwicommons.com/2010/09/ipads-in-education/.
Thanks, "Kiwi Commons".  That is a great link.  I hope all of our teachers researching tablets will check it out.  Very useful.
If anyone out there needs help with ideas for using Apps and Tablet devices in the classroom I would highly recommend bringing in the Fords from Waynesboro, VA.(http://www.waynesboro.k12.va.us/whs/teachers/kmays/http://itwhs.blogspot.com/)  They did a great job today at Salem High.
Thanks, Marshu.  We definitely have high school students who could still stand to work on Multiplication and Division!

I apologize for the quickness of this reply, but I thought it was relevant and goes back to the point I made earlier.


Head to...



You will find a dozen FREE math games which run on Flash.  They will work on an Android or Blackberry Tablet. They will also work on a netbook, laptop or desktop regardless of OS.  I found this website about 20 seconds after reading the last reply and googling "math flash games" and choosing the top link. 



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