When Classroom 2.0 started, there was a big question about whether social networking would even be an appropriate tool for an educational network. I believe that was quickly answered, and for many of us, CR 2.0 became a place of some amazing and engaging dialog.

The original purpose of the site was to provide an easy, user-friendly entry-point into using Web 2.0 for those who didn't have much (or any) experience with the collaborative web. I still think the site does that, but now that it's grown to almost 3400 members, I get the feeling that some of the sense of being a "community" that originally developed is harder to experience. And maybe that's OK, as lots of you have taken Ning and built your own communities that are more specific to your particular needs.

But I'd also like to tap into some of the "old guard" and find out if there are things you think I could be doing to improve/grow/facilitate what takes place here. When you take the time to participate, you make a huge difference and are appreciated.

(I also have to say that I really think it's time for some kind of a Classroom 2.0 get-together, virtual or physical. I'll be announcing EduBloggerCon 2008 soon, to take place in association with NECC, and this year we're also going to have EduBlogerCon West in March as part of the CUE.org show in Palm Springs. I'm hoping a lot of our CR 2.0 friends will come. But I keep wondering if there is enough critical mass to do a Web 2.0 in Education conference by itself... It wouldn't have to be huge, but I think it would be an amazing event.)

So, old and new guard, where do we go from here?

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Exactly what I mean - I have missed reading DigiSkills for weeks even though I am a member. Keep forgetting the groups. Sharon
I do not agree that we should work without groups - if I understood your message. Each Network has got a lot of special fields of interest.
Group Digiskills in Classroom 2.0 offers each member to join DigiSkills gou.ps - a space to get links, to be informed about bog posts and to discuss topics or even to use a wiki.
But in general, it´s up to Ning to offer more power to groups!
You did misunderstand. We definitely need groups - just a better way of connecting them to the main module. Perhaps a way to give the "top" postings or "newest" from each active group on a Tab.
Hi Sharon,
yes indeed - now I understand your position. Would be useful. I agree strongly!
I like the idea of a monthly phone in show. Talkshoe I've used in the past and find that it doesn't have "quickness" -- meaning it takes some time to install and learn, inorder to get onto the show. But that might not be important here, given most of us have basic tech knowledge.

I'm going to check out Talkshoe today and my own account and see what changes have taken place in regards to upgrades with Meebo...

But great idea! What to call the show? Classroom 2.0 Show?

Classroom 2.0 Live!
If it's a phone-in Classroom 2..0 Tell (as opposed to Classroom 2.0 Show) - unless it's
Classroom 2.0 Show n Tell.
Maybe Show n Tell 2.0 ? (You're right - I'm tired.)
You're right - it is a great participatory platform but the learning curve can be challenging. Still, I'd love to test drive it with someone to assess how well it would work as a platform for this show.
I'm trying to envision what Classroom 2.0 Live would be. Should we think "Car Talk" or "Ask Dr. Weil?" Is it more like Diane Rehm or StoryCorps? Is it to be like any of these at all? Should we think "chat room" or IMing? What kind of hybrid would we make? Does Saturday NIght Live figure in? Johnny Carson? Bill Moyers? Would Steve appear in a suit and tie, a t-shirt and jeans, or costume? Would the background scenery be of a city's center, mountains in the wilderness, or earth as seen from space? Would there be a musical track, a musical theme?
fun to ponder... this could bring together a wide array of participants. Think of our artists, our poets, our teachers-in-the-field collaborating with the supertechies (who are often those other things too, but not always). Wow...the creativity we can unleash!
Here's one example of an education show. It comes out sometimes weekly, sometimes less often.
Education Gadfly Show Podcast
They try to stick to 20 minutes--and its just about enough for me to keep up with that, listening in the car as I do.

They use a regular format:
1) Introductory chit-chat
2) Pardon the Gadfly, 3 questions with like a 1 minute limit of debate.
3) An interview, or a discussion with a guest host.
4) A report named "Education News of the Weird", which is what you'd expect.
5) Wrap-up.

It seems simple, but to do it regularly with high quality with a day full of other duties seems challenging enough.
Would you have to worry about the writers being on strike? Would we be thrown into reruns before we even started?
LOL :-)

Some of the funniest bits of the Gadfly are their excuses for not having a show:
  • The Education Gadfly Show Podcast is holidaying at Dollywood and will return next week.
  • Rudolph stubbed a hoof while delivering the next item; Gadfly's filling in. He'll see you again January 4th. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
  • Gadfly always conceals himself in an undisclosed location on Thanksgiving, lest he be mistaken for a turkey. He'll buzz back into your inbox on November 30.
  • The Education Gadfly Show is taking the week off to do some ice fishing on the Potomac. The program will return next Thursday, once the studio has thawed.

Some of the show titles (No Blood for AP; Average Yak Poundage) aren't bad either.



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