Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi Cynthia and welcome to Classroom 2.0!

I'd like to know more about the help desk you mentioned in your introduction. Do you work in a K-12 setting? Who are the training programs designed for? It seems like you have a lot of expertise to contribute to our community. Take a look around and I'm sure you will find groups and forums that focus on issues that are important to you in your professional life.

Nice to have you with us!

- Konrad
No, I work at a corporation that provides travel agents with the products and equipment necessary for them to book their customers airline, car, cruise, and hotel reservations and we include support in their contract. My team is responsible for training help desk newhires, and existing help desk employees on the different products and enhancements so they can assist the travel agents. We also develop online courses for our corporate university which are available to travel agents and internal employees.

Up-to now, we have focused on traditional classroom training, virtual classes (through Webex), and asynchronous courses but we are looking to incorporate blogs, wikis, and podcast into our training programs.

A group of us just came back from the Learning 2007 conference in Orlando and we came back with so much information on web 2.0 tools but now we need to deal with the HOW, and WHEN to use them.

I am a middle school teacher in southwest Michigan. I teach 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. I teach students computer and information literacy skills. I am also a member of the district technology leadership team and train district staff to integrate technology into their curriculum. I use Wikispaces a lot in my classes. In fact, my information literacy classes are built on Wikispaces. The idea of creating a social network for my students to participate in is very exciting to me.
Hi Phyllis!

As one the hosts of Classroom 2.0, I'd like to officially welcome you to this community!

I teach Language Arts to grades 7 and 8 in Toronto, Canada, and place a strong emphasis on information literacy skills. I hope that you will find some time to share your expertise and lesson ideas with this community. Personally, I would love to chat with you about lesson plans and strategies that you use to engage your students. Your experiences with PD and technology integration also sound interesting.

I'm looking forward to your participation in some of our groups and forums.

Welcome aboard!
Hi. I'm Richard Smart. I teach social studies in Columbia, MD and am looking forward to all I can learn from this community.
Hi I am Maggie Verster and I am a maths teacher trainer. I am also doing my masters on how an online community of practice for maths literacy teachers can create a learning ecology. In my country, South Africa, we are not remotely starting to use social networking and web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning! I am trying to change this, but it is a slow process and there are so many tools to choose from.

I have been doing F2F workshops with schools to get them to change their paradigms about how we teach and how Web 2.0 can help us to ask deep rich questions in our classrooms.

This is my first venture into using NING and I would like to know the advantages of using this platform....


You might want to pop over to, another network which we set up specifically for educators to discuss how they are using *Ning* in education.
Sarah Sutter - I'm a high school art teacher, in Wiscasset, Maine. The last month I've been immersing myself in web 2.0 technologies to figure out what to use and how to use it in my classroom. New kids tomorrow for the new quarter - hope to start them blogging soon! I've been processing my own learning with these tools in my blog EduEyeView. Web 2.0 has taken my personal professional development into high gear!
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to Classroom 2.0!

It's great to see that you're looking to start blogging with your students. Also, your own blog looks really interesting. There has just been an interesting discussion regarding blogs here on Classroom 2.0. This and many topics can be found either by browsing the forum using "Forum" on the top navigation bar, searching by using the upper, right-side search box, or the topic listing on the right-side of the pages.

Please share your experiences with your student blogs and your own web 2.0 learning and development either through contributing to the discussions, starting a new discussion, or asking questions. These interactions and the breadth and depth of members make Classroom 2.0 an amazing community.

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Hello. My name is Dinah. I'm a member of a faculty learning community in Ohio. We're learning about different technologies and how they might be integrated into the curriculum. Thanks.
Hi Dinah,

Please excuse my ignorance but is your faculty learning community part of a school or multiple schools? It sounds fascinating.

Welcome to Classroom 2.0!

Please feel free to join in any of the current discussions or begin your own discussion. To look at past discussions, feel to use the search box in the top, right of the page or the topics listings on the right side of the page.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Hi! I'm Julia and I live in Sacramento, California. I've been an elementary teacher for 16 years and am taking a break from teaching to work on my MA in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on educational technology. I recently moved back to the city after living 8 years in a rural community. I had no idea how far behind we were in our school until I started a technology course this past fall. I'm excited to be on board again and learning about new ways to integrate technology into the classroom.



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