Practical Keybaord Shortcuts ; Tips every Educator need to know

The following tips are the basic and most used shortcuts you need to know....... read more in Practical Keyboard Shortcuts, Tips Every Educator Need to Know

Tags: 21stcenturyeducation, education

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Awesome list - thanks

That's a good list as far as it goes. It would be unrealistic to publish a fully comprehensive list of shortcuts, but notably missing were some of my favorites:

  • Shift+Arrow (left or right) -- Selects text & objects in the direction of the arrow you press
  • Shift+End -- Selects from cursor position to end of the line
  • Shift+Home -- Selects from cursor position to beginning of line
  • F12 -- Save As
  • Windows Key+E -- Windows Explorer (aka, "My Computer")

And, two that are limited to Windows 7:

  • Windows Key+Left Arrow -- Re-sizes current window to fill the left half screen
  • Windows Key+Right Arrow -- Re-sizes current window to fill the right half screen

These last 2 are really useful on widescreen monitors when you're having to switch between 2 windows, and are working in both.


It may also be useful to point out that it's not necessary to use the utmost finesse, thereby releasing both or all 3 keys at exactly the same time. In the case of Ctrl+Alt+Delete, for example, press and hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys, press and release the Delete key, then release the other 2.



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