I am a Middle School Science teacher in a rather rural community. I would love to start using some of the things that 2.0 has to offer but I am not sure where to start. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of community with some 2.0 stuff. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Permalink Reply by Emma on November 12, 2007 at 8:57am
I also teach MS science in a rural area. My students podcast and I show some of the videos on this site in class. They like to see what other students are doing and then they want to try it!
I am don't teach at school. But I came across this paper that could help provide a large overview of the web 2.0 available out there that you can use in your classroom Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 1.
Sorry, I can't offer more specific recommendation.
As a middle school computer teacher, I'm trying to figure out how to use Web 2.0 also. I've started a wiki to teach people about Web 2.0. http://southwestms.wikispaces.com/Wiki
We are doing an inservice for our teachers in a couple of weeks, and will use this site, but also plan on using it to teach students about the possibilities. We are planning on doing some blogging with 7th graders later in the year. With the wealth of new programs coming out, I'm sure we will find others to use also.
Nice wiki Gary. I've been trying to convince teachers in my school to take the web 2.0 plunge. So far, it's much easier to get them to buy into wikis than blogs, which for whatever reason instill nervousness among my colleagues.
Another rural middle school science teacher here! My students have begun using some web 2.0 tools. In particular they comment frequently on my class blog at http://team4kms.com/biche and write posts and comments on the ISS07 project Sponsored by Yes-I-Can Science. They have used Google Docs for collaborating with other students on the team. They all have a Google Reader account, which keeps them up to date on class stuff but also opens their eyes to a great deal of science happenings. Last year my students built a wiki on climate, and we will do so again this year. Right now I am only using a wiki for things too elaborate of permanent for the blog site. I am toying with a larger collaboration idea which I posted at http://ateachersthoughts.com. Let me know if you have any interest in this.
Start slow, for you and for the kids.
Don't worry about getting it completely right the first time through.
Teach a few kids very well (actually there are a few that will pick up stuff quick) and have them help.
Reflect like crazy. Jumping into 2.0 has been the biggest learning experience for me in quite some time.
I was thinking of using this concept for my talented and gifted students. How did this project turn out? Do you have any suggestions or things that I could use to help me create this project myself? Thanks
Design a WebQuest in a blog. Theme: Global Warming. You can insert videos, articles, links, etc
Constructivism: based problem :How you can minimize the Global Warming effects in__________________ write the name of your community.
I am a computer teacher and I use web 2.0 often. I start off introducing blogs by having my students work through a webquest I created. It's not much but it gives them the basic idea behind blogs. http://teacherweb.com/WQ/MiddleSchool/Blogging/index.html
My students love wikis. You could easily introduce it to your class by simply using it as a classroom management tool and posting assignments, pictures, etc. And them let your students create one in groups about a particular topic in science-like famous scientists for example.