Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi, everybody!  I am Tiffany Millsap.  I teach 5th grade in a small rual school in Warsaw Missouri.  I love my job and finding new teaching resources!

Global Virtual Classroom Clubhouse- Peace Project

Please join us by remembering 9-11 on our peace project at the Global Virtual Classroom Clubhouse. Educators are invited to leave a message on our discussion board about peace and its implications. Now more than ever we must educate children about the 9-11 disaster so they will not forget that the good of mankind can prevent evil and we must help them to be better people.

Teachers can contact me about joining the clubhouse and making new friends.

Teachers are also asked to contribute to the world peace project 2011 at Globaldreamers.World Peace Project 2011

Learn about David Weiss a true hero david Weiss a true firefighter and hero

Marsha Goren

Project coordinator

Global Virtual Classroom Clubhouse Manager

Hi!  My name is Audra and I teach Biology in Xiamen, China.  I'm originally from Texas, but have been in China for 4 years now.  I recently attended a conference that got me thinking more about investing in myself and the power of networking, so I've been reading more blogs and looking for more online opportunities.  Happy to be here!
Hi  I am Joanne McLeod, a Junior Teacher from New Zealand. I teach 5-8yr olds at a small rural school. I am currently completing a Graduate Diploma in Information Communication Technology in Education. I  have been  researching whether or not blogging improves student writing skills. I was very interested to read about the Standford study on student writing
Hello!  My name is Louisa Schaefer.  I joined this forum with the encouragement of an instructor in a George Washington University program in which I am enrolled.  I am actually an adult educator in the Washington, DC area but have found a lot of corss-over and learning opportunities in the K-12 education forum.  Teachers in this arena seem to be on the cutting edge of creative use of technology in the classroom.  I am looking forward to learning from you all, trying new things, and hopefully contributing something from my own lessons learned.  Thank you!

Hello, I'm Dan Sagmiller, Oconomowoc, WI (outside Milwaukee/Madison) 

I run a small school on Game Programming and Business Programming and occasionally teach classes at local colleges and give talks to schools.  I'm hoping to improve my craft of education and find excellent ideas here.

Hello everyone!  My name is Jeff Walrich and I work at Holy Innocents' in Atlanta, GA

Dean-10th Grade Boys, Assistant Athletic Director, Film & Broadcast Production Teacher, Head Wrestling Coach and love educational technology!

Hey Jeff,

    This is Dan from buffalo.  I loved filmmaking and still have hopes to be a screenplay writer some day.  I am in my 40's and recently disabled, so, I have the time to write them now.  Any ideas on what is new in the world of film?  I took my classes in the 90's, so, I know much has changed, but, I am more looking at how the writing has changed.



Hello everyone, my name is Tony Graham and I am based in Leicestershire in England. I am an education consultant specialising in leadership development and online learning. I lead a small team of e-specialists providing facilitator training for the National College. I also work in Industry for about 50% of my time focussing on training trainers, QA and design of training programmes.

Why am I here...... I want to understand more about this way of learning.

Hello all!  My name is Brianna Strahler, and I am a social studies teacher with a passion for literacy from Pittsburgh, PA.  I'm looking to collaborate and meet new teachers!
I'm Matt Hurst from Salem (Keizer), Oregon.  I use quite a few collaborative tech tools in my middle school ESL classes.  This year my classes are using iPod Touches.  Other new tools I'm currently trying out are: Schoology and ClassDojo.  You can visit my blog to find out more:  Cheers!
Hi Everyone.  My name is Tejal Shah and I am teaching in Vancouver, BC, Canada.  I have also taught in London, England and am looking to connect with educators from around the world.  I teach intermediate elementary (mainly Grades 4-7).  I am just finishing up an Masters in Education in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education (focus on computer mediated technology and holistic education).  I am also quite passionate about peace education and social justice issues.



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