Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello from Kansas, USA! I was invited in by a friend and I'm excited to see what this can do for me, my colleagues, and my students, who are always up for a tech challenge! :) I work for students in a charter school, grades K-8, and am having a BLAST tossing new web 2.0 challenges to them to eat and grow on!
Hi, I'm Michele and I teach grades 1-4 at a charter school in Kansas. All of my students have laptops and palms, and are a fairly tech savvy bunch. I start a lot of the projects, but they usually end of helping me before we are done! This year they have been excited about podcasting and GarageBand, but we normally integrate tech aspects into every project and most everyday work as well. One of the best parts about being a teacher is how much I get to learn. I'm excited about the what I can learn from the community here.
My name is Matt Kish and I teach in Haddonfield, NJ. I have been reading blogs and listening to podcasts for the past few months, which has been very exciting. However, all I've been doing is listening and thinking; now I'm ready for some action. I want to start using some 2.0 technologies in my classroom this year as a jumping off point (you have to start somewhere). If anyone has any suggestions or wants to collaborate, let me know!
HI Matt
I have been part of a Youth Radio project this year and we may expand next year, so keep me in mind. It has to do with podcasting and blogging with upper elementary students.
Hi, I'm Tammy Worcester from Kansas. I am an instructional technology specialist for an educational service center (ESSDACK). My speciality is finding unique and creative ways for teachers to use computers in their classrooms. I met many of you back in the "good 'ol days" while presenting on the Classroom Connect conference circuit.
If I uploaded correctly, you will hear my audio intro.
Got it. Heard it! :)
Terrible, but it's there.
Hi, I'm Dana Huff, and I teach English in a private Jewish school in the Atlanta-metro area. I have been trying blogging and wikis with my students, including a cross-country project with the Reflective Teacher. I stay pretty busy with three kids and my full time job, but I will try to contribute something to the conversation. You can read my blog at
Ha! Close enough for Edubloggercon, I see... Do you have any students who might want to come that Saturday and participate in a student panel?
Maybe... we blogged about Huck Finn, and with one exception, the experience was positive, I think. You can read my students' blog at Room 303 Blog. We don't have individual blogs for each student. Maybe next year? I don't know. At any rate, I had already planned on going to Edubloggercon. The only problem is my school is a Jewish school, and Saturday is Shabbat. Some of the kids are not as observant as others, but I don't want to exclude anyone simply because they are more observant.
Hi Everyone,

Clare Roberson, working for the IB at the Cardiff office in Wales, UK. I manage the IB's online curriculum centre website for teachers of the three IB programmes. We are launching a new site in May incorporating Web2.0 technologies. I'm excited to be here.



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