Planning for Diversity

  1. Contact your partner and schedule when you will conduct this collaboration.
  2. Review all parts of Standard 2 and Performance Indicators 3a and 4b, and working in the collaborative environment you selected last session, create a document, chart, or diagram about how the lesson you are modifying or creating will use digital tools and resources to address a variety of learning styles, work strategies, abilities, and developmental levels following the directions below.
    • Select four students with diverse needs, your coach can provide examples if needed.
    • Describe each student in terms of learning style, work strategies, abilities and developmental level.
    • Describe modifications you are making to the lesson you are creating which will meet the needs of each of these students.
  3. Respond to each other with clarifying questions and suggestions for improving this lesson.
  4. You will create three portfolio entries (two for 2c and 4b) based on this collaboration with your partner.
  5. Your finished lesson plan must be taught by the end of Session 5.

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Attached you will find my table.  I am a little confused on what to do, so feel fee to give me tips or even tell me that I did this wrong.

 In my table, several of the boxes look similar.  This is because each of the assessments with this unit lead to different outcomes.  I think that the reources that I am using will also allow for the diversity of the students.

Thanks for reading and for your suggestions :)


Rachel, Your table is similar to what I had in mind.  I think it looks on target.  My only concern is if it is enough information.  I BELIEVE it is enough, I just never know the detail that our instructors whant us to include.


This is a very tough assignment for me, since I do not have students.  I will need to discuss with a special ed teacher the different types of cases that they have in the class I am teaching.

Hi Rachel:

For Forest, you indicate that "his assessments can be done using a variety of creation web 2.0 tools rather than in written form."  I'm not sure what this means, as there is a fair amount of writing in web 2.0 tools.  Also thinking that some peer editing (commenting, like we're doing here), might be beneficial for him to move his writing forward.


For Dylan and Timothy, you indicate "using a variety of written and presentation methods."  I'm curious what these methods are.  (I'm sure they're spelled out in your plan)

SHould we all use the same table?  I was thinking of going with the format I used in Capstone intro.  I hope I do this right!


I think using the same table would be a good idea.  This would help us all know what is going on and what each column is at a quick glance.  Do you think the table I created would work or should we re-vamp it some?   What do you all think?


Thanks for the imput.  What else would you suggest that I add?  Are there any cloudy areas? Anything that just sounds off?  I would love to improve :) Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I am sorry that I have not posted this yet.  This may be the last thing I get to this week.  To be honest, I am totally overwhelmed with the entries we need for our portfolio this week. 7 and evidence...and I have done 1! My life is really hectic right now and it looks like it is going to be a late Friday night for me! I promise I will get this diversity table to you guys before the end of this session.  For your sake, I hope you all are further along in this weeks portfolio than I am!

Enjoy your weekend!


Thanks for the wishful thinking but I am just as behind as you are!  I can't seem to balance family, teaching, grading papers, parent conferences, etc., and this class! He goes to pulling an all-nighter!  LOL!!!  I am laughing so I don't cry!
Ditto!  Even thinking of dropping course; demands of new job (asst. principal) far greater than I imagined!  But sounds like we're all feeling this way, so I will forge ahead.

I feel the same way.............I have been debating dropping the course all week! I just really want this certification!  The craziest part is I don't need this for anything other than I want it.  I haven't left this computer in 2 weeks!  Something has got to give! I did notice that there isn't quite as many entries due next week! Hoepfully it will get better!  We can do this!  (I hope) LOL!

Goodness, I am glad it isn't just me.  I had to have my Mother in Law come watch  my twins yesterday so I could get my portfolio enteries completed.  Now I read in the help section that the teacher wanted us to say in each entry: "attached you will find item example of..."

I did not do that and have already spent hours on this.  I think it is clear, to anyone who reads my portfolio, where the pieces all fit.  I don't have time to redo it all at this point!


I didn't add my entries in that format either.  But I still have one assignment left and no time to go back and do more at this point.  I can't get all of these assisnments done, plus complete the necessary planning, grading, etc. needed for my classroom.  If I make it through today I will be amazed!  LOL!



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