Planning for Diversity

  1. Contact your partner and schedule when you will conduct this collaboration.
  2. Review all parts of Standard 2 and Performance Indicators 3a and 4b, and working in the collaborative environment you selected last session, create a document, chart, or diagram about how the lesson you are modifying or creating will use digital tools and resources to address a variety of learning styles, work strategies, abilities, and developmental levels following the directions below.
    • Select four students with diverse needs, your coach can provide examples if needed.
    • Describe each student in terms of learning style, work strategies, abilities and developmental level.
    • Describe modifications you are making to the lesson you are creating which will meet the needs of each of these students.
  3. Respond to each other with clarifying questions and suggestions for improving this lesson.
  4. You will create three portfolio entries (two for 2c and 4b) based on this collaboration with your partner.
  5. Your finished lesson plan must be taught by the end of Session 5.

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Ok, so this is all I have the energy for. Rachel, thank you for letting me use your table as a starting off point. You did a great job.  I admit that I did use some similar ideas in my table.  I will be the first to post an assignment here soon, so you all can gather ideas and information from me.  Thanks for being such good and understanding collaboration partners.  It is nice to have others in the same boat. We will get through this!
I am going to finish my last entry  and then I will read your post, I promise it will be around 1 or before.

Your table looks good.  Not sure what I am supposed to comment on or how it should look but here is my imput: 

Feel free to dismiss any that you don't like :)

1. for student 1 in standard 2 you have the child listed as average but included the "gifted" statement.  Not sure if you did this intentionally.


2. Student 1 box 4B add the word "one" to your sententence to make it a complete thought.


3. Did you decide to stick with all 5 options or narrow it down to 3?


Hope this helps.

Hi Christine:

My only suggestion here would be for Student 2.  Because he is high-functioning, you indicate that he MUST complete the most difficult option, (#5).  It doesn't seem fair to me.  I would suggest that even at this level, students be given a choice of project; perhaps limit the choice to 2 or 3 of the options.  Another approach to this would be to look at each of the 5 options and add another scaffold to each that takes it to a higher level, (probably way too time consuming at this point in the game).

At long table is attached.  Any feedback you can provide at this late hour is greatly appreciated.  I do apologize for my late entry.
Hi Paul, looks good but let me ask...are there only 2 columns, or is my iPad not showing me everything? Your accommodations for each student make total sense to me.
Your table looks good!  I especially like the added role for the gifted student with the school board.  Nice work!



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