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My name is Leslie and I am a teacher-librarian for a K-8 catholic school in Los Angeles, CA. I have officially wet my feet with all things Web 2.0 and am ready to dive in head first! Still being at the bottom of the learning curve, I know just enough to know I want to know more. I'm hoping this is the place to do it and hopefully to take a few of my fellow teachers with me. I would like to know how school libraries are using Web 2.0 tools and how classrooms are also so that I can collaborate with colleagues. I am stoked and ready to get started!
Welcome Leslie!

It's great you've discovered Classroom 2.0 and are ready to dive into web 2.0. There such a wealth of tools, ideas, people, and approaches here that I think you'll find it helpful. I don't think a day that goes by that I don't learn something here. Please don't hesitate to start a discussion or join in one that is taking place. If something piques your interest, please feel free to browse past discussions by visiting the topic links on the right side of the page or searching by keyword in the top, right keyword box found on all pages.

Good luck on your learning and working with your colleagues. Please let me know if you have any questions about Classroom 2.0.

Hey Hey. My name is Mike Hacker, just joined 2.0 today - very much looking forward to being a part of future conversations. I work with an Architectural firm which focuses on K12 educational spaces. I believe very strongly that the physical environment plays a major roll in the learning process and hope to heighten my understanding of the challenges faced with learning in the connected generation.
Hi Mike,

Wow, sounds you like have a fascinating job. It's got to be pretty amazing to see something go from an abstraction to a tangible product that will likely be in service for decades. I guess, until your post, I hadn't quite considered the interconnectedness between the physical space, learning, and technology.

As you may have already seen, there's a fountain of resources, ideas, experiences, and collaboration here on Classroom 2.0. While the content is vital, member discussions make it take shape and make it what it is. Please feel free to ask any questions or contribution any thoughts in a new post. Also, please fee free to contribute to existing discussions. Also, discussions can be viewed anytime searching by keyword using the white, keyword search box in the upper, right corner or using the topic links found on the right-side of pages.

Again welcome and please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about Classroom 2.0

Hi. My name is Sharon and I am a teacher in NYC. I'm currently substitute teaching 7th and 8th grade math in a gifted school.
Welcome, I 've taught gifted elementary kids for almost 25 years. You also might like to join
Hi Sharon and welcome to Classroom 2.0!

I'm one of the hosts here, so please let me know if you have any questions about this community. Your username suggests that you enjoy reading - why not contribute your thoughts to this thread?

I hope that you will find this community helpful in your professional life and I look forward to your contributions.

- Konrad
My name is Lucas Fox, and I'm a middle school science teacher in Kingston, New York. I am also a Graduate student at SUNY New Paltz getting my M.S. Ed. with a concentration in Biology. Wow that is a lot to say, and I have A LOT MORE to get through at least in this introduction.

I was turned onto this site by my research advisor Tom Meyer. Currently I am working on my research paper for my Graduate degree. Without getting into to many details here, it's about bringing and using blogs into classrooms. Tom said that there are many here can get me pointed into the right direction on some of my ideas with my paper. But as I will save most of that for other posts.

I'm looking forward to reading what you all have to say and reading some of your ideas.


Lucas Fox
Hi Lucas,

I'd like to welcome you to Classroom 2.0. I know that this community will benefit from your contributions as both a teacher and a researcher. Please take a look at some of the Interest Groups that you can subscribe to and also the forum discussions. I'm sure that you will find many interesting conversations. You can also use the search box in the top right hand corner of the page or click on the categories in the side column (under "Finding Interesting Discussions").

Also, I'm really interested in your research on blogging. I'm currently finishing my PhD thesis on using blogging communities in middle school (Language Arts) and would love to chat with you about your research so far. If you're interested in my reflections and classroom experiences, take a look at my blog. Use the pull down "Categories" menu to see all the categories and to find posts that may be relevant to your work.

Welcome aboard, and I hope that you will this community helpful and inspiring!

- Konrad
Hi Konrad,
What a great blog you have going there! I have emailed the link to all my classmates. We are in the first semester of our teaching credential and we are also taking a technology integration class. Your blog will be very helpful!

I'm so glad you found my blog helpful. Thank you for your kind words! I would love to see if my thoughts spark any conversations. Keep me posted or, better yet, leave a comment on my blog if you find anything of particular interest.

- Konrad

Hi My name is Sue Palmer and I teach social studies in western New York. I am a gen ed teacher but I am finishing up the last class for my cert in special ed as well. I love teaching inclusion, and have just started a website,, to enourage collaboration in sharing lesson and review materials. To help my students pass the regents exams in history, I have created a series of video review podcasts, or "masterycasts" to help kids with these subjects. The website is designed to house these for use by the world. I am looking forward to the opportunity to collaborate with other teachers who have a similar vision. I believe we need to teach with tools that today's students enjoy. We need to leave our comfort zones and enter their world. I am beginning to do this and is my path. I hope you will join me. My students enjoy my class, are learning, and as a result feel much more confident and better about themselves. I know some of us hate to admit it, but it works!



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