It seems that some people try to look good (I know I did), some don't want to show their face, and some look kind of scary (no offence, I won't name names).

This is the first time I've really put a picture of myself out onto the Web. I'm wondering, how did you choose your picture? Were you concerned about who might see you? Did you care? I think this fits into the Just for Fun discussion category, but I really am interested.

Tags: photos, pictures, profile

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My photo is a self-portrait of myself midway through a 5 Boro bike ride in NYC, two years ago. I was in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, taking a break after riding down from Central Park in Manhattan, where the ride started. I think I look bad-ass. Also, I've just gotten back into biking after a one-year hiatus, so this picture represents my current weekend pursuit.

But speaking generally, a picture is so important on a social networking site. Many of us don't know each other in real life and all we have to go on is a picture and that person's words. If someone looks creepy in his/her picture, it scares me! I won't add someone as a friend if I'm freaked out by his/her picture. (There's a reason why Native Americans believe that cameras steal your reveal a lot more than you think!)
I chose my photo because I thought it was the least expected picture of a teacher that I could find. That's me on my 1950 Ford tractor.
I was told I needed to provide a headshot after being awarded a Walden Faculty Excellence Grant to explore Second Life. I actually never wear a tie (LOL) but wanted to look as respectable as possible. I'm standing in the media center of the community school where I teach. I don't have any other pictures of me remotely worth using in a profile!
This is one of two digital photos I have of myself on my PC in the office. The other is over four years old - hence the quality of this one not being so great - so I decided to opt for this one. I may change it when I get a more recent photo and like the idea of changing photos/avatars when you feel like it.
I just put the most decent photo I had on there. Not that I could do much to make my mug look good anyway :)

In reality I think an avatar, photo etc can be a great way to make a visual connection to an individual. Our students can't upload their pictures into our VLE (Moodle), but we let them upload appropriate avatars to represent them or their interests. A picture can say 1000 words, in my case, however, is just says 4, "A very normal guy".
I was having fun with the new iMacs and the photo studio program on it. I tell my students I'm an alien (yes, from another planet - I have fun messing with their minds) and I told them this picture made look smart so it was my favorite. :o)

Al G
I was just trying to look really skinny! :) LOL!
My non-photo is a assignment I completed a few years ago while I was training. I training as a Primary teacher, and so we covered a range of curricula: the avatar is the result of taking a "crayon for a walk" to complete a 'blind' self-portrait for an Art project. I've used it on and off for several years, and it's my current 'face' on Flickr. As to whether I'd use a photo (and I do on occasions) coming out of a design & graphics background I've always been of opinion Brand is important, and I prefer my 'brand' to my photo...
Amen to that, Ginger!!
I picked my picture when I realized the Atlantic puffin is a gregarious community bird (they live in colonies) that's fairly clumsy, flies badly, and often crashes on landing. Somehow it just felt like me.
It is also the name of my favorite cereal!
I love all of the responses to my question. Thank you to everyone who has shared the story behind their picture.
I love that as people join this forum, their answers to my question keep popping up in my inbox. It shows that not only is classroom 2.0 a place to discuss issues about education, but it is also a place to get to know teachers around the world who share interests and passions and are willing to also share a personal story with a group of "strangers."

My picture is a "headshot" that my husband took of me for a journal that published an article that I wrote. They never actually used my picture, so I wanted to put it to use somewhere else. I think it is a particularly nice picture of me and I didn't want it to go to waste.



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