Moodle ( a course management system with a lot of nice features. I was thinking of setting up a moodle site for my classroom. Before I do, does anyone already have one setup? It would be great just to try it out first.

Also if I set one up, would anyone be interested in an account?

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I have been using Moodle for about 4 years now. It has continued to get better and better. You can see by site at this is a live site that my 3rd graders use all day long every day. I have only good things to say about Moodle.
I have one set up at that you can play with to get your feet wet. Sign up and shoot me an email, and I'll upgrade your role so you can create courses, etc.
I have Moodled for several years with teachers in grades 4 -12. If you have been unable to find a platform to play with, let me know and I will setup an account for you in our site.
We have a teacher here who is our "moodle" expert. She created this site and uses it w/ both our elementary school's 5th graders. You can view it by clicking here
Thank you all for the overwhelming support. This is a great community. I installed the xammp version on a old server computer, but I've had trouble with setting up classes. My biggest problem is the fact that it is new and the interface is alien to me. I'll probably make use of one of your offers.

Thanks for the support.
Is there anyway I could log in as a guest to see some of the things you've done for 5th and 6th? I just want to look around--I've got some Moodle ideas but don't know if it's going to be worth my time to pursue them. You can email me at
You are welcome to browse my high school chemistry Moodle site. Our instruction occurs primarily in our online classroom (Moodle), so the Moodle site is more or less auxilliary. You can enter as a guest. Because the course page is designed for multiple teachers/homerooms, my homeroom group's materials might not all be visible (wikis mostly). If there is a resource that you are desperate to see that is locked because it is a group resource just enter as a registered user the next time instead of a guest and shoot me an e-mail requesting that I add you to my group. Then you will be able to see from a student view.

Hi William, I am interested in your Moodle site because I teach Grades 1 to 3 ITC skills in a computer lab. I downloaded Moodle last weekend but haven't managed to install it yet. After downloading I looked for an .exe file to install but there didn't appear to be one. I have also save the instructions so I guess I'll have to get busy this weekend. :-) Our school is not yet connected to the internet but I try to keep up with what is happening in online education. My students are mostly from Xhosa families so it would be interesting to do some online collaboration should we ever get a connection. Our principal is an excellent administrator and I admire her so much that she does but she is just not into internet. Ah well. The only way I could do it would be to connect my cell phone to my laptop and get them to view your site that way - very costly. I have a wireless connection at home so I just love being part of online conferences and exploring Web 2.0 tools.
I have looked into it and might use one. I recently created a content management site in drupal which is also open source. I was told it is better for video hosting which I needed. My site is, a learning community site;we have only been up for about a month. It is working well so far and is already growing! Please take a look and let me know what you think.
I also have a page on our school site, but needed more support for flv and podcasting.

Keep us posted!
You can take a look at the classes I've created on my Moodle (version 1.8) by logging in as a guest at:

My site is hosted by Moodlerooms.

Dennis O'Connor
Yes! I work as an Instructional Assistant at a career and tech high school. We use Moodle primarily to supplement our instructional time when our students are at an internship or on a job shadow. This year we started a literacy initiative to help technical program instructors incorporate one novel each semester into their curriculum. Our Moodle page can be viewed here: Literacy Initiative
Scroll down under the WTCC heading and click the first course. Log in as a guest.
Best of luck in your endeavors!
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