I'm very concerned that so many children have all of the sudden been listed on this site with full identification. I'm worried about security and think that it would be most prudent to remove these children from the site. Our site is publicly accessible by anybody. (I've actually called Steve Hargadon but he's not accessible (enjoying a well earned Thanksgiving Break.)) Please remove these children from this site.


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I agree. It's really bad. I wonder how it happened?
Where are the kids listed? Am I missing something?
Is there a web master that can take the kids off? They should not bre listed with Photos and real names
Hang on a second. I'm not sure why kids are signing up for this network, BUT we shouldn't assume their teacher is doing something wrong here. If they obtained parental permission, this is no different from a picture appearing in a newspaper with a caption including the child's name. I'm interested to hear the "why" for this one.
Jeremy (et al.):

Thanks for the balanced perspective, but I just got online from being away with my family, and I felt I had to delete the profiles first and figure things out later. As soon as I got my computer up and connected, Lisa Durff had left me some Skype messages which popped up and warned me about what was going on.

Even with parental permission, I can't see a good reason to have young students on CR 2.0, as they aren't likely to contribute to the discussion here.
I totally agree, however, even the papers are being more careful about full names and identifying info. If the person who posted them is not aware of this, I hope they will put them on a site without the info. My site has kids on it but we have user names. We really don't need to risk it to have a good conversation.
Thanks for the quick response!

Define "young students." I assume you mean "6". What would you think of Guy, the 16yo you met at K12OMC? Every single one of my students, IMHO, should be welcome to be here and contribute. If that's not the case, I would be severely concerned about why we are here. Personally, I would have been posting here long before I was 18, had it been around. Would I have been excluded for "privacy concerns"? Should Arthus? Should others like him?

If so, what does that say about us -- that we are going to turn a blind eye and ear to the constituents themselves in the name of protecting them? To protect them from their own voice? That sounds suspiciously like the kinds of logic that has been used to silence communities in the past....
Thanks for posting updates later in this thread that clarify for those of us who were not around to see the original issue. Clearly the ripple effect of this incident is showing how concerned people are on many fronts, because my reaction was as much to things posted about this thread in other threads as it was the comments already in the thread (though I made sure to read those before posting).

Certainly my concerns have been mollified that we haven't gone censorship-crazy here, and I hope others who shared that concern are also duly mollified.
Yow! I need to know about this immediately! How did you see the kids--are they new members or what? Or do you mean photos put on of classes or students by teachers?
I'm suspecting that there's some crossing of ning networks. A couple of times I've been asked here at CR2.0 to "be a friend" of a kid in my class who is on my own (closed, or so I thought) ning class network. I talked with each kid about how it happened, and they were clueless. No, they didn't want to be in CR2.0, although they know about it.
Now that I think about it, my friends here often cross into other nings (but not always, I'm thinking--even if we're registered as usual). Could this be related to the problem discussed here?
Ok, if so, this is a major thing to fix. Major thing to stay watchful over. Safety comes first.
Thanks ever so much to Andrew, for being so vigilant.
Steve, let's figure this out. Do you think you have a clear answer about the who the kids were, the source of their signups? (If signing on as new members is what you mean... There may be considerably more going on that that.)
By the way, I "declined friendship" with the two students who asked me, and explained why.
Does anybody know these kids? Are they students of a current user? How big is this problem?
I think Steve made the right call.Kuddos to Andrew who caught it rigjt away. It speaks well of the ning that the situation was reviewed and action taken so quickly!



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